Tak terasa telah cukup banyak pengunjung blog kita ini yang berasal dari negara Turki. Berbeda dengan kita di Indonesia atau Asia pada umumnya yang mayoritas menggilai sepakbola Eropa,terutama klub-klub dari liga-liga papan atas seperti Ligab seperti Galatasaray,Fenerbache atau Besiktas adalah klub dengan para penggemar paling banyak di Turki. Kebetulan tiga klub itu pula yang memang paling familiar di telinga publik Indonesia. Begitu pula para pemain Turki. Pemain seperti Hakan Sukur, Yildiray Basturk, Altintop bersaudara adalah contoh pemain-pemain asal Turki yang malang melintang di klub-klub tenar Eropa dan sudah sangat dikenal publik Indonesia. Turki pun menempati posisi ketiga pada Piala Dunia 2002 di Korea-Jepang.Karena itu tak salah bila kita memberikan apresiasi kepada persepakbolaan Turki yang telah menempatkan diri dalam peta sepakbola dunia.Liga Super Turki yang diisi 18 klub,musim kompetisi 2007-2008 telah menghasilkan klub Galatasaray sebagai kampiun. Kepastian itu dicapai setelah pada pertandingan terakhir mengalahkan Genç
lerbirliği Oftaşspor 2-0 di Ali Sami Yen Stadium. Berikut profil Galatasaray dan perayaannya sebagai juara Liga Super Turki 2008:
It has been many enough visitors of our blog that came from the country of Turkey.It is different with us in Indonesia or Asia generally that the majority loves European football, especially the clubs from the high level leagues for example the English Premiere League, Serie A Italia, La Liga Spain, Bundesliga Germany, or the Netherlands and France, the Turkey community - because indeed had the league that was active in Europe (UEFA) - most of them more love clubs from their own country.The club for example Galatasaray, Fenerbache or Besiktas was the club with many fans in Turkey. Actually three clubs also that indeed most familiar on the public's Indonesian ears. So also the players Turkey.The football player like Hakan Sukur, Yildiray Basturk, Altintip brothers was the example of players from Turkey that was play in European famous clubs and really has been known to be public of Indonesia.Turkey then occupied the third position to the World Cup 2002 in Korea-Japan. Because of that was not wrong when we gave the appreciation to Turkey soccer that placed itself in the map of world football. The Super League of Turkey that was filled up 18 clubs, the competition season 2007-2008 produced the Galatasaray as the champion.The assurance was achieved when in the last match they beat Gençlerbirliği Oftaşspor 2-0 in the Ali Sami Yen Stadium. Along with the Galatasaray appearance and his celebration as the champion the Super League Turkey 2008:
Tentunya banyak juga pecinta sepakbola Turki yang menggemari klub-klub negara lain,seperti Manchester United atau Real Madrid.Itulah sepakbola.Selalu kecintaan dan kebanggaan pada bola melintasi batas negara,bangsa,bahasa atau agama. Dalam blog ini klub-klub Turki juga telah masuk dalam Situs Klub atau Club Cites yang terletak di sebelah kanan layar. Kita tunggu juga sepak terjang tim nasional Turki yang akan berlaga di Euro 2008 Austria-Swiss.Semoga sepakbola bisa menjadi jembatan hubungan persaudaraan antara bangsa Turki dan bangsa Indonesia.Disamping jalinan dengan seluruh bangsa pada umumnya.Hidup Turki...!
Definitely quite a few lovers of Turkish football that enjoyed the clubs of other countries, like Manchester United or Real Madrid. Always the love and pride to football crossed the country's limit, the nation, the language or the religion. In this blog Turkey clubs also entered the Club Sites that was located on the right of the screen. We were also waiting for the game of the national team of Turkey that will compete in Euro 2008 Austria-Switzerland. It is hoped football could become bridge of friendship relations between the Turkey nation and the Indonesian nation,beside also the friendship of whole the world. Long live Turkey...!
Kamis, Mei 29, 2008
Galatasaray dan Sepakbola Turki -
Galatasaray and the Turkey Football
Rabu, Mei 21, 2008
Internazionale Buktikan Kejayaan -
Internazionale Prove the Glory
Internazionale Milan berhasil mempertahankan gelar sebagai juara Serie A Liga Italia musim kompetisi 2007-2008. Ditengah hantaman terhadap kredibilitas pelatih Roberto Mancini,dibuntuti dengan ketat sampai akhir kompetisi oleh AS Roma,serta kegagalan di Liga Champion,Inter berhasil mengatasi cibiran orang bahwa keberhasilan yang mereka raih musim sebelumnya adalah "anugerah" yang mereka dapatkan dari kasus "Calciopoli".Kasus ini berakibat gelar juara Juventus dicabut dan harus turun divisi.Begitu pula pengurangan nilai yang dialami empat tim lain,yakni AC Milan,Fiorentina,Genoa dan Lazio. Inter sendiri kemudian mendapat berkah dari itu semua,yakni dinyatakan sebagai Campione musim 2006-2007.Kita tonton saja pertandingan terakhir Inter yakni melawan tuan rumah AC Parma untuk kemenangan Inter yang memastikan mereka mempertahankan gelar juara.
Internazionale Milan succeeded in maintaining the degree as the champion of Serie A Italia League the competition season 2007-2008.In the middle of the blow towards the credibility of the coach Roberto Mancini, was followed tightly up to the end of the competition by AS Roma, as well as the failure in the Champion League, Inter was successful overcame the underestimating of the public that the success that was gained by them the season beforehand was the "gift" that was obtained by them from the case "Calciopoli".The cases resulted in the degree of Juventus as the champ was pulled out and must descend the division. Also the reduction thought that was experienced by four other teams, namely AC Milan, Fiorentina, Genoa and Lazio.Inter personally afterwards received the blessing from all that, that is stated as Campeone the season 2006-2007.We watched the last Inter match that is opposing the host AC Parma for the Inter victory that confirmed they maintained the degree of the champion.
Yang menarik adalah Inter menjadi tim keempat dengan huruf depan "M" yang menjuarai Liga di kompetisi yang negaranya menjadi barometer sepakbola dunia. Tiga tim sebelumnya adalah Manchester United di Inggris,Bayern Muenchen di Jerman,Real Madrid di Spanyol.Hanya sayang Olympique Marseille di Perancis gagal menghentikan laju Olympique Lyon menjadi juara Liga Perancis untuk ketujuh kalinya.
Tapi ada nestapa bagi satu "M" lagi, yaitu AC Milan. Milan harus bersedia turun gengsi bermain di kompetisi Eropa level UEFA Cup musim depan,sebab hanya sanggup menggapai posisi kelima musim ini.Cukup menjadi kabar duka untuk penggemar Rossoneri.AC Milan juga gagal mengulangi sukses Liverpool musim 2005-2006 yang berhasil menjuarai Liga Champion walaupun di kompetisi lokal hanya menduduki peringkat kelima.
That interesting was Inter to the fourth team with the front letter "M" that won the League in the competition that his country became the barometer of world football.Three teams beforehand were Manchester United in England, Bayern Muenchen in Germany, Real Madrid in Spanyol.Unfortunately Olympique Marseille in France failed to stop the Olympique Lyon rate to the champion the French League for the seven times.
But had the sorrow for one "M" again, that is AC Milan.Milan must be prepared to descend the playing prestige in the European competition the UEFA Cup level the front season, because only could reach the position of five on this seasons.It enough became the sorrow news for the fans of Rossoneri.AC Milan also failed to repeat the Liverpool success the season 2005-2006 that succeeded in winning the Champion League although in the local competition only occupied the fifth level.
Jumat, Mei 09, 2008
Gembiranya Real vs Derita Barca -
The Happiness Real vs The Suffering Barca
Tak adil rasanya bila tidak menyinggung sedikit mengenai keberhasilan klub Spanyol Real Madrid yang baru saja sukses mempertahankan gelar La Liga setelah di pekan ke 36 musim kompetisi 2007/08 mengalahkan seteru abadinya, Barcelona, dengan skor telak 4-1.Pertandingan yang dilaksanakan di kandang Madrid, stadion Santiago Bernabeu ini memang berjalan tidak seimbang, sepertinya diadakan khusus untuk mempermalukan Barca.El Real yang sudah memastikan gelar juara pada pertandingan sebelumnya melawan Osasuna menghadapi Barca yang sudah tidak berpeluang samasekali untuk meraih gelar apapun di musim ini. Setelah "Prince" Raul Gonzales mencetak gol pertama disusul oleh pemain sayap Arjen Robben serta Gonzalo Higuain. Gol terakhir dicetak oleh striker yang lama cedera,Ruud van Nistelrooy melalui titik penalti.Barca sendiri membalas lewat gol Thierry Henry.Kita lihat saja cuplikannya:
It seems unjust when not touching on a little concerning the success of the Spanish club of Real Madrid that just success maintained the La Liga Champion after in the week 36 of competition seasons 2007/08 overcame his eternal enemy, Barcelona, with the unequivocal score 4-1.The match that was carried out in the Madrid home, Santiago Bernabeu Stadium was quite proceeding not balanced, apparently was held especially to be ashamed of Barca.El Real that has confirmed the degree of the champion in the match beforehand against Osasuna, faced Barca that has been did not have completely an opportunity to gain the degree anything in this season.After Prince Raul Gonzales printed the first goal was followed by the wing player Arjen Robben as well as Gonzalo Higuain. The last goal was printed by striker that for a long time has been injured, Ruud van Nistelrooy through the penalty point.Barca personally repaid through the goal of Thierry Henry. Let's watch this important match:
Posting ini penulis khusus persembahkan kepada Sang Pangeran, Raul Gonzales Blanco yang secara mengherankan ditolak oleh pelatih tim nasional Luis Aragonés Suárez untuk memperkuat tim nasional.Raul terancam tidak dapat tampil di Piala Eropa 2008.Keputusan yang sulit diterima karena secara nyata Raul telah membuktikan kepada khalayak mengenai ketajamannya sebagai seorang penyerang. Mencetak 18 gol (sampai dua pertandingan sebelum kompetisi berakhir) dalam sebuah kompetisi seberat La Liga cukup untuk memberikan satu tempat di lini depan dalam timnas Spanyol.Semoga pelatih Luis Aragonés cukup sportif dan mau berbesar hati melihat prestasi pemain bersahaja dan berwajah tampan ini.Yang jelas menghadapi Euro 2008,Spanyol membutuhkan pemain karismatik dan berpengalaman dan itu adalah Raul Gonzales. Maju terus Raul...!
This post is special presented for The Prince,Raul Gonzales Blanco who surprisingly rejected by the Spain national team coach, Luis Aragonés Suárez to joint the national team to face the European Cup 2008.This is a hard to understood decision because of the real action of Raul is fantastic.He has give the proof to the public about his sharp as a striker.Making 18 goals (until two match before end of competition) on heavy competition like La Liga should enough to give one place in the forward line of national team. Hope the coach Luis Aragones sportive enough and receive to see the record of this calm and handsome player.That was clear faced Euro 2008, Spain needed the charismatic and experienced player and that was Raul Gonzales. Keep going Raul...!