Setelah menunggu selama 44 tahun, akhirnya Spanyol kembali membuktikan eksistensinya sebagai salah satu kekuatan sepakbola Eropa, setelah di final UEFA Euro 2008 yang digelar tanggal 30 Juni 2008 di Stadion Ernst Happel di kota Wina, Austria berhasil menjadi juara. Pada kejuaraan yang digelar di dua negara, Austria dan Swiss ini Spanyol mengalahkan Jerman di final dengan skor tipis 1-0, Spanyol keluar sebagai pemenang melalui gol tunggal striker yang bermain di klub Liverpool, Fernando Torres pada menit ke 33. Melihat jalannya permainan, Spanyol memang layak menjadi pemenang karena lebih menguasai permainan dan membuat Jerman benar-benar kesulitan mengembangkan permainan. Permainan Spanyol pun lebih memikat melalui sentuhan bola dari kaki ke kaki yang sangat berseni yang membuatnya layak menyandang gelar "Brasilnya Eropa". Secara keseluruhan pun Spanyol layak menjadi yang terbaik di turnamen ini dilihat dari konsistensi selama kejuaraan. Tak terkalahkan selama penyisihan grup dan meraih poin maksimal 9, Spanyol tetap menunjukkan permainan yang konsisten menawan di perempat final dan semifinal. Dan itu berlanjut pula di babak final yang membuat mereka menjadi juara. Baiklah, kita lihat saja cuplikan penampilan Spanyol dan Jerman di bawah ini disertai perayaan kemenangan Spanyol di bawah pimpinan kapten, Iker Casillas.
After being waiting for 44 years, finally Spain again proved his existence as one of the strengths of European football, after in the UEFA Euro final 2008 that was placed June,30 2008 in Ernst Happel Stadium, Vienna, Austria succeeded in becoming the champion.In the championship that was held in two countries, Austria and Switzerland, Spain overcame Germany in the final with the score 1-0, Spain went out as the winner through the single goal striker that was playing in the Liverpool FC, Fernando Torres in the minute to 33. Saw the running of the game, Spain was indeed appropriate to become the winner because more controlled the game and made Germany really the difficulty developed the game. The Spanish game even more attracted through the touch of the ball from foot to foot that was very artistic that made him appropriate to have degree of "The Brazillian Europe". On the whole then Spain appropriate to that was best in this tournament was seen from consistency for the championship. Always won for elimination of the group and gained the maximal point 9, Spain continued to show the game that consistent in the quarterfinal and the semi-final.And that continued also in the grand final that made them become the champion. Okay, let's see the Spanish and Germany appearance below this was accompanied by celebration of the Spanish victory under the command of the captain, Iker Casillas.
Kejuaraan telah berakhir. Sang pemenang telah lahir. Banyak pemain dan pelatih yang bersinar ataupun meredup selama kejuaraan. Pelatih Spanyol, Luis Aragones pun telah menyatakan mundur usai turnamen. Demikian pula kiper Jerman, Jens Lehmann merencanakan hal yang sama. Cristiano Ronaldo dari Portugal gagal bersinar selama Euro seiring kegagalan Portugal. Namun yang pasti sepakbola tak akan berhenti sampai disini. Usai pulang ke negara masing-masing, pemain dan pelatih harus segera bersiap bertempur di kompetisi lokal masing-masing. Dan kita, penikmat sepakbola akan kembali dibuat tegang oleh kedahsyatan sepakbola. Akan ada Olimpiade, serta penyisihan Piala Dunia 2010 yang sama-sama kita tunggu. Apapun itu, selamat buat Austria dan Swiss, penyelenggara turnamen. Dan selamat untuk Spanyol. Anda memang layak menjadi juara. May the Best Team Win...!
The championship ended. The winner has born. Many players and the coach who shone or overcast for the championship.The Spanish coach, Luis Aragones then said retreated after the tournament. Likewise the Germany goalkeeper, Jens Lehmann planned the same thing. Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal failed to shine for Euro together with the Portugese failure. However that was certain football will not stop until here. After coming home to their respective country, the player and the coach immediately must be ready to fight in their local competition. And we, the lover of football will come back was made tense by the awesomeness of football. Will have the olympic games, as well as elimination of the World Cup 2010 that together we were waiting. Anything that, congratulations for Austria and Switzerland, the organiser of the tournament. And congratulations for Spain also. You were indeed appropriate to become the champion. May the Best Team Win...!
Senin, Juni 30, 2008
Spanyol, Sang Juara dengan Seni dan Konsistensi -
Spain, the Champ with the Art and Consistency
Jumat, Juni 27, 2008
Jerman dan Spanyol,Siapa Juara Eropa 2008 ? -
Germany and Spain,Who is European Champion 2008 ?
Akhirnya dua tim raksasa sepakbola Eropa dan dunia,Jerman dan Spanyol berhak memperebutkan mahkota juara Piala Eropa 2008 yang diselenggarakan di dua negara, Austria dan Swiss. Di semifinal, dua tim ini mengalahkan tim yang sebenarnya tidak diunggulkan. Bukannya menghadapi tim-tim macan seperti Belanda atau Portugal. Atau Italia atau Perancis, tapi Rusia dan Turki. Jerman memukul Turki 3-2 di Stadion St.Jacob Park di kota Basel,Swiss. Sedangkan Spanyol melipat Rusia 3-0 di Ernest Happel Stadium, Wina,Austria. Walaupun Turki pernah mencapai peringkat ketiga di Piala Dunia 2002,tapi secara struktural,Turki berada di kelas menengah sepakbola Eropa.Baik tim nasional maupun klub. Turki masih harus berjuang untuk menembus level atas sepakbola Eropa. Dan modal untuk itu ada. Sebab semakin banyaknya pemain Turki yang bermain di klub-klub besar Eropa,seperti Inggris,Spanyol,Italia,Belanda,Perancis,atau Jerman akan meningkatkan kualitas pemain Turki secara individual dan pada akhirnya meningkatkan kualitas tim nasionalnya. Sedangkan Rusia pernah begitu bersinar ketika masih bernama Uni Soviet. Dan ketika negara itu pecah menjadi beberapa negara, Rusia harus tertatih-tatih membangun lagi kekuatan sepakbolanya.Dan di bawah pelatih asal Belanda Guus Hiddink, Rusia menjelma lagi menjadi kekuatan menakutkan. Kita lihat saja cuplikan kedua pertandingan semifinal Euro 2008 di bawah ini:
Finally two teams of the European and world high level football, Germany and Spain had the right to contest to grand final of the European Cup 2008 that was held in two countries, Austria and Switzerland. In the semi-final, two teams overcame the actual the underdog team. Not faced teams of the tiger like the Netherlands or Portugal.Or Italia or France, but Russia and Turkey. Germany struck Turkey 3-2 in the St.Jacob Park Stadium in the Basel City, Switzerland. Whereas Spain defeated Russia 3-0 in Ernest Happel Stadium, Vienna, Austria. Although Turki had achieved the third level in the World Cup 2002, but structurally, Turkey was in the football middle class of Europe. The national team and the clubs. Turkey must be still fighting to penetrate the high level on European football. And capital for that was available.Because even more of them the player Turki that was playing in top European clubs, like England, Spain, Italia, the Netherlands, France, or Germany will increase the quality of the player of Turkey individually and at the end increased the quality of the national team. Whereas Russia had like that shined when still was named the Soviet Union. And when the country broke out to several countries, Russia must unsteadily develop again the strength of their football.Dan under the coach from Dutch Guus Hiddink, Russia changed still became the frightening strength. Let us watch the quotation of the two Euro semi-final matches 2008 below this:
Kembali kepada dua tim finalis, Jerman dan Spanyol. Memang Jerman sesuai tradisi mempunyai peluang lebih besar untuk menjadi juara. Selain lebih berpengalaman dalam menghadapi turnamen tingkat tinggi,Jerman juga mempunyai mental juara. Walaupun begitu Spanyol juga mempunyai peluang. Diperkuat pemain-pemain yang merumput di klub-klub La Liga, Spanyol tentu tidak akan menyerah begitu saja. Mereka akan berjuang meruntuhkan keangkuhan tim Jerman yang memang terkenal sebagai tim "spesialis turnamen". Tim mana yang akan menang? kita tunggu saja Final Piala Eropa 2008 yang akan berlangsung pada Minggu 29 Juni 2008 pukul 20.45 waktu setempat di Ernst Happel Stadium di kota Wina, Austria. Selamat menikmati !
Came back to two teams of the finalist, Germany and Spain. Indeed Germany in accordance with the tradition had the opportunity was bigger to become the champion. Beside of more experienced in facing the high-level tournament, Germany also had bounced the champion. Despite this Spain also had the opportunity. Reinforced by players that play in La Liga competition, Spain certainly will not surrender just like that. They will fight to destroy the team's German pride that indeed was known as the team of the "tournament specialist". What team that will win? We just wait the Final of the European Cup 2008 that will take place on Sunday June 29 2008 time 20,45 local time in Ernst Happel Stadium in the Viennese city, Austria. Enjoy it!
Selasa, Juni 17, 2008
Henrik Larsson dan Perubahan Rambutnya -
Henrik Larsson and His Hair Transformation
Beberapa pemain sepakbola ternama selain terkenal karena permainan bolanya yang indah dan mengagumkan juga terkenal karena penampilannya yang unik dan menarik. Ada yang unik dilihat dari postur tubuhnya (pendek-tinggi),ada yang ukuran tubuhnya (gemuk-kurus),ada yang dilihat dari asesoris yang menempel di tubuhnya (pakai anting atau tato).Yang paling banyak adalah unik karena dari bentuk rambutnya.David Beckham adalah pemain paling fenomenal dalam urusan rambut ini. Setiap perubahan bentuk rambut Beckham adalah trend setter bagi para remaja sedunia.Namun karena sekarang adalah masanya UEFA Euro 2008 saya ingin membahas satu pemain yang pernah mengalami satu masa transformasi dalam penampilannya. Dia adalah legenda hidup sepakbola Swedia, Henrik Larsson. Pemain bernama lengkap Edward Henrik Larsson ini di masa-masa awal kejayaannya terkenal dengan rambutnya yang gimbal,keriting lebat dipilin-pilin.Mirip potongan rambut Ruud Gullit di masa jayanya.Larsson mempertahankan potongan rambutnya sampai ia memperkuat klub Glasgow Celtic,Skotlandia tahun 1997 -2004. Ditengah karirnya memperkuat Celtic, Larsson yang lahir pada 20 September 1971 di kota Helsingborg, Swedia, merubah potongan rambutnya menjadi plontos alias botak. Kita lihat saja 2 penampilan berbeda dari Henrik Larsson:
Several football players became famous beside because of his beautifully and astonishing ball skill, also because of his appearance that was unique and interesting.There were unique was seen from his posture (short-high),there were the measurement of his body (fat-thin),there were that was seen from accesoris that clung to his body (with earring or tattoo).The most often was unique because of the cut of the hair.David Beckham was the player was most phenomenal in this hair affair. Each Beckham change's hair was trend setter for the teenagers of the world.But because now is the period of UEFA Euro 2008 I wanted to discuss one player who had experienced one transformation period in his appearance.He is the living legend of Swedish football, Henrik Larsson. The player had the full name Edward Henrik Larsson beginning periods of his glorious career was famous with his hair that luxuriant, curly and twisted.Look like the Ruud Gullit's hair in his golden moment. Larsson maintained his hair cut until he played for Glasgow Celtic, Scotland in 1997 -2004. In the middle of his career in Celtic, Larsson that was born on September 20, 1971 in the Helsingborg City, Sweden, changed his hair cut became bald, no hair anymore. Let's see 2 different appearances of Henrik Larsson:
Penampilan luar dari seorang pemain memang cukup efektif untuk menjaga citra dan popularitas seorang pemain. Rambut bergaya gimbal ala Gullit,potongan tomahawk ala Beckham atau model kuncung ala Ronaldo adalah sedikit saja dari sekian banyak contoh rambut unik pemain bola dunia. Kita akan membahas model rambut yang lain di kesempatan lain, dan Henrik Larsson adalah pemain pertama yang saya pilih karena selain dia cukup konsisten dengan model rambutnya (lama gondrong dan lama botaknya) ia juga pemain dengan sikap sportivitas yang tinggi,berkharisma,berpengalaman, disamping sebagai bomber ia sangat haus gol. Setelah sempat memperkuat FC Barcelona selama 2 tahun dan dipinjam Manchester United selama semusim,sekarang Larsson memperkuat klub dari kota kelahirannya, Helsingborg IF.
The outside appearance from a player really quite effective to maintain the image and the popularity of a player.Hair was stylish curly in the style of Gullit, the tomahawk hair cut in the style of Beckham or the crest model in the style of Ronaldo was just a few of the however many examples of unique hair of the football player. We will discuss the other hair model in the other opportunity, and Henrik Larsson is the first player who was chosen by me because he is quite consistent with his hair model (for a long time was long hair and for a long time was bald) however he also the player with the high sportsmanship attitude, charismatic, experienced, and as bomber he was very thirsty for the goal. After played for FC Barcelona for 2 years and could be borrowed Manchester United for one season, now Larsson playing for his home town football club, Helsingborg IF.
Minggu, Juni 08, 2008
Acara Pembukaan Euro 2008 -
The Opening Ceremony of Euro 2008
Piala Eropa 2008 telah dibuka.Mengambil tempat di stadion St.Jakob Park di kota Basel, Switzerland,acara bertanggal 7 Juni ini berlangsung meriah. Walaupun cukup singkat,yakni sekitar 13 menit saja, namun pembukaan ini sarat dengan makna simbolis. Sutradara asal Perancis, Martin Arnaud melukiskan air yang biru,rumput yang hijau,pegunungan Alpen serta tarian wals. Koreografi yang diperagakan oleh 976 penari ini mewakili ciri khas dari dua negara yang menjadi tuan rumah acara besar ini, yakni Austria dan Swiss. Stadion yang dipenuhi sesak oleh penonton sebanyak 42.500 ini sempat hening sejenak ketika beberapa musisi meniup alpenhorn,alat musik tradisional Swiss,sejenis terompet tetapi bentuknya panjang lebih dari satu meter. Musim dingin pegunungan Alpen pun ditampilkan secara menawan,apalagi karena tampil pula di tengah acara Amanda Ammann,Miss Switzerland 2007.Acara diakhiri dengan pelepasan 4.000 balon ke udara.
The European Cup 2008 has opened.Place in the Stadium St.Jakob Park in the Basel city, Switzerland on June 7, the agenda was very happy and merry. Although being short enough, namely approximately 13 minutes, but this opening the draught with the symbolic meaning. The director Martin Arnaud (france) described blue water, green grass, Alpen mountains as well as the waltz dance.The choreography that was exhibited by 976 dancers represented the typical characteristics of two countries that became this big agenda host, namely Austria and Swiss. The stadium that was filled crowded by the spectator totalling 42,500 this could be quiet for a moment when several musicians blew alpenhorn, the traditional Swiss musical instrument, a kind of trumpet but his form was long more than one metre.The cold season Alpen mountains were then put forward in a manner captured, moreover because of appearing also in the middle of the agenda of Amanda Ammann, Miss Switzerland 2007. The agenda was ended with the release 4,000 balloons to the air.
Martin Arnaud, sang sutradara telah beberapa kali menjadi sutradara acara pembukaan event olahraga. Arnaud juga berperan penting dalam pembukaan Piala Dunia 1998.Sedangkan pemilihan Basel sebagai tempat acara pembukaan sangat tepat. Terletak di tengah benua Eropa, Basel adalah kota yang multikultur dengan lebih dari 700.000 warga yang berasal dari lebih 150 negara,mendiami kota ini. Kota ini adalah tempat berdirinya Asosiasi Sepakbola Eropa (UEFA) pada 1954.Adapun stadion St.Jacob Park merupakan kandang klub FC Basel.
Martin Arnaud, the director several times became the director of the opening ceremony event sport.Arnaud also played an important role in the opening of the World Cup 1998.Basel as the place of the opening ceremony was very exact.Was located in the middle of the European continent, Basel is the city that multi-culture with more than 700,000 residents who came from more 150 countries, lived in this city.This city was the place of the Union Europe of Football Association (UEFA) in 1954.Stadium St.Jacob Park is the homebase of FC Basel.