Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


Kamis, September 18, 2008

Bila Para Filsuf Bermain Bola -
When the Philosophers Played Football

Apa jadinya bila para filsuf berkumpul dan bermain bola? Tentu anda sulit membayangkannya bukan? Yang akan kita saksikan di bawah ini adalah antara dua negara yang dikenal paling banyak menghasilkan filsuf atau ahli filsafat di dunia, yaitu Yunani dan Jerman. Terutama Yunani, siapa tak kenal Plato,Archimedes,Aristoteles atau Socrates. Mereka ternyata jago juga bermain bola. Hmmm, setidaknya mereka mengerti filsafat bermain bola. Dari negara Jerman juga tak mau kalah. Dimotori oleh Nietzsche dan Immanuel Kant, serta pemain cadangan Karl Marx, Jerman tampil bergaya untuk mengimbangi Yunani. Ya sudahlah, sebaiknya kita tonton saja cuplikan pertandingan, daripada penasaran. Yuk...:
What the outcome when the philosophers gathered and played football? Certainly you had difficulty to imagine that,is it? That will be witnessed by us below this was between two countries that were known often produced the philosopher or the philosophy master in the world, that is Greece and Germany. Especially Greece, who did not know Plato,Archimedes,Aristoteles or Socrates. They evidently very good also to play football. Hmmm, at least they understood the philosophy of football. From the German also did not want to lose. Driven by Nietzsche and Immanuel Kant, beside the reserve player Karl Marx, Germany appeared was stylish to match Greece. Okay then, we better watched the match quotation, than was curious. Come on... :

Ah, memang dasar "tukang" filsafat. Ternyata mereka malah lebih asyik berbincang-bincang dan berpikir sendiri daripada bermain dan menikmati permainan. Walaupun sewaktu pemanasan terlihat bahwa mereka mempunyai skill yang cukup mumpuni, tapi ketika permainan dimulai, naluri sebagai filsuf ternyata lebih menguasai mereka, dan lupa pada permainan bola. Tapi beruntung permainan berakhir juga ketika gol tercipta, seperti yang telah anda saksikan di atas. Bagaimana anda pembaca menilai para permainan para master kita ini? Anda percaya yang anda lihat? Ini bukan mimpi lho. Hehe, bola memang untuk segala bangsa dan segala profesi.
Well, such was the philosopher. Evidently they even more engrosseded in discussing and thinking personally than played and enjoyed the game. Although when the warming up they was seen had skill that was good enough, but when the game was begun, instinct as the philosopher evidently more controlled them, and forgot in the game of the ball. But lucky the game ended also when the goal was created, like that was witnessed by you above. How you the reader considered the games of our masters? You believed everything that you seen? Yes, it was not the dream. Hehe, the ball indeed for all the nations and all the professions.

Rabu, September 03, 2008

Pemain Bola atau Aktor kah ini ?
Is It a Football Player or An Actor ?

Pemain bola berprestasi dan sudah sangat terkenal sekalipun tetap memiliki kelemahan. Kelemahan paling menyolok adalah dalam hal "perilaku". Dalam era permainan sepakbola modern sekarang, dimana kemenangan adalah sesuatu yang sangat mahal, pemain akan melakukan apa saja demi meraih keuntungan. Dalam hal ini pemain akan terus berusaha untuk mengelabui sang pemimpin pertandingan, yaitu wasit yang tentu saja memiliki sejumlah keterbatasan, karena wasit tetap saja seorang manusia. Mata alami mereka terkadang kesulitan mengamati pergerakan pemain yang semakin lama semakin cepat. Dan perilaku tidak terpuji ini tetap dilakukan oleh seorang pemain besar sekalipun. Nama-nama yang di dunia sepakbola melekat dengan adegan tipuan atau diving ini adalah Cristiano Ronaldo, Filippo Inzaghi atau Didier Drogba. Dan masih banyak lagi. Mereka bisa saja tiba-tiba terjatuh walaupun tak ada seorang atau sesuatu pun yang menyentuh mereka. Mereka memang pantas menjadi aktor kelas Oscar sekalipun. Dalam klip berikut ini disajikan beberapa adegan dimana diving-diving itu terjadi. Dan sebenarnya bukan hanya pemain saja, ofisial tim pun melakukannya.
The football player that has been high-achieving and been very famous still having the weakness. The most weakness was in the matter of the "behaviour". In the era of modern football game right now, where the victory was something that was very expensive, the player will carry out any in order to gain the profit. In this case the player will continue to try to deceive the leader of the match, that is the certain referee had several limitations, because of the referee is a humankind. Their natural eyes occasionally the difficulty observed the movement of the player that was increasingly faster. And the bad behaviour continued to be carried out by a top player.The names in the world of football that known as actors of the trick scene or diving for sample was Cristiano Ronaldo, Filippo Inzaghi or Didier Drogba. And many others. They could suddenly fell although not having a person or something that touched them. They were quite appropriate to become Oscar's class actor even. In the clip along with this was presented by several scenes where divings that happened. And in fact not only the player, the official of the team then do the same.

Beberapa memang bisa diperdebatkan, itu pelanggaran atau bukan, tapi bahwa pemain jaman sekarang selalu berniat mengelabui wasit dan juga penonton adalah masalah yang semua orang sudah tahu. Tipuan atau diving ini sudah sampai pada tahap benar-benar melanggar sportivitas, menentukan hidup matinya suatu tim, dan terjadi bahkan di kejuaraan besar seperti Piala Dunia. Ingat ketika Fabio Grosso ber "diving ria" dan sukses menyingkirkan Australia di Piala Dunia 2006? Bolasinema sendiri telah menentukan adegan tipuan terbaik yang pernah ada. Minimal dalam klip ini. Bagaimana dengan para pembaca, setuju tidak dengan pilihanku?
Several indeed could be debated, that the violation or not, but that the modern player always intended to deceive the referee and also the audience was the problem that everyone has known. Deceit or diving this already arrived in the stage really violated sportsmanship, determined the life of the death of a team, and happened even in the big championship like the World Cup. Remembered when Fabio Grosso done "a good dive" and successful evacuated Australia in the World Cup 2006? Bolasinema personally determined the best deceit scene available. Minimal in this clip. How with the readers, agreed not with my choice?

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