Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


Kamis, April 30, 2009

Empat Jenis Takling dalam Sepakbola
Four Kinds of Tackling in the Football (Soccer)

Takling, atau "jegal" dalam bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu gerakan atau aksi atau bahkan teknik yang diperbolehkan dalam pertandingan sepakbola. Tujuannya adalah merebut bola dari kaki lawan. Namun begitu, gerakan yang satu ini termasuk dalam gerakan yang berbahaya, sebab berpotensi mencederai lawan, dan karena itu peringatan dan bahkan kartu merah dari sang wasit kerap terpaksa dikeluarkan. Berikut adalah cuplikan 4 (empat) jenis takling sepanjang pengamatan Bolasinema.
Tackle,tackling or intercepted is one of the movements or the action or even the technique that was permitted in the football match. The aim is to seize the ball from foot of the opponent. However, this act is including in the dangerous movement, because of having the potential to damage the opponent, and because that the warning and even the red card from the referee often were forced to be dismissed. Along with was the quotation 4 (four) the kind tackles, according to Bolasinema observation.

Seperti sudah anda saksikan di atas, takling dilakukan oleh pemain mana saja, dari yang dikenal temperamental sampai yang dikenal lembut. Dari posisi penyerang sampai penjaga gawang. Terkadang takling memang efektif dalam merebut bola, tapi terkadang dilakukan serampangan sehingga malah diusir wasit.
As you watching clip above, tackling was carried out by any player, from that was known temperamental to that was known to be softly players. From the position of the aggressor to the goalkeeper. Occasionally tackling quite effective in seizing the ball, but occasionally was carried out very badly,especially that was done from behind, so as even was expelled by the referee.

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