Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


Minggu, Juni 08, 2008

Acara Pembukaan Euro 2008 -
The Opening Ceremony of Euro 2008

Piala Eropa 2008 telah dibuka.Mengambil tempat di stadion St.Jakob Park di kota Basel, Switzerland,acara bertanggal 7 Juni ini berlangsung meriah. Walaupun cukup singkat,yakni sekitar 13 menit saja, namun pembukaan ini sarat dengan makna simbolis. Sutradara asal Perancis, Martin Arnaud melukiskan air yang biru,rumput yang hijau,pegunungan Alpen serta tarian wals. Koreografi yang diperagakan oleh 976 penari ini mewakili ciri khas dari dua negara yang menjadi tuan rumah acara besar ini, yakni Austria dan Swiss. Stadion yang dipenuhi sesak oleh penonton sebanyak 42.500 ini sempat hening sejenak ketika beberapa musisi meniup alpenhorn,alat musik tradisional Swiss,sejenis terompet tetapi bentuknya panjang lebih dari satu meter. Musim dingin pegunungan Alpen pun ditampilkan secara menawan,apalagi karena tampil pula di tengah acara Amanda Ammann,Miss Switzerland 2007.Acara diakhiri dengan pelepasan 4.000 balon ke udara.
The European Cup 2008 has opened.Place in the Stadium St.Jakob Park in the Basel city, Switzerland on June 7, the agenda was very happy and merry. Although being short enough, namely approximately 13 minutes, but this opening the draught with the symbolic meaning. The director Martin Arnaud (france) described blue water, green grass, Alpen mountains as well as the waltz dance.The choreography that was exhibited by 976 dancers represented the typical characteristics of two countries that became this big agenda host, namely Austria and Swiss. The stadium that was filled crowded by the spectator totalling 42,500 this could be quiet for a moment when several musicians blew alpenhorn, the traditional Swiss musical instrument, a kind of trumpet but his form was long more than one metre.The cold season Alpen mountains were then put forward in a manner captured, moreover because of appearing also in the middle of the agenda of Amanda Ammann, Miss Switzerland 2007. The agenda was ended with the release 4,000 balloons to the air.

Martin Arnaud, sang sutradara telah beberapa kali menjadi sutradara acara pembukaan event olahraga. Arnaud juga berperan penting dalam pembukaan Piala Dunia 1998.Sedangkan pemilihan Basel sebagai tempat acara pembukaan sangat tepat. Terletak di tengah benua Eropa, Basel adalah kota yang multikultur dengan lebih dari 700.000 warga yang berasal dari lebih 150 negara,mendiami kota ini. Kota ini adalah tempat berdirinya Asosiasi Sepakbola Eropa (UEFA) pada 1954.Adapun stadion St.Jacob Park merupakan kandang klub FC Basel.
Martin Arnaud, the director several times became the director of the opening ceremony event sport.Arnaud also played an important role in the opening of the World Cup 1998.Basel as the place of the opening ceremony was very exact.Was located in the middle of the European continent, Basel is the city that multi-culture with more than 700,000 residents who came from more 150 countries, lived in this city.This city was the place of the Union Europe of Football Association (UEFA) in 1954.Stadium St.Jacob Park is the homebase of FC Basel.

3 komentar:

pyuriko mengatakan...

Walah, semalam aku gak nonton... ketiduran :(

Anonim mengatakan...

ini yang ditunggu-tunggu bola mania. gooool

Anonim mengatakan...

numpang lewat..nyari info bola

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