Blog saya ini mencerminkan semua hal yang menarik dan menggairahkan kehidupan pribadi saya: Sepakbola dan olahraga, sinema,fotografi,dunia internet,teknologi,serta dunia jurnalistik. Saya mengajak bloggers serta para pembaca untuk bersama menikmati video-video yang saya sajikan yang saya ambil dari berbagai situs video termasuk hasil produksi sendiri,dan silahkan beri komentar. Salam Bola !
This blog reflected all the interesting and stimulating matters my privacy: football and sport, the cinema, photography, the world of the internet, technology, as well as the world of journalism. I asked bloggers as well as the readers to together enjoy videos that were presented by me that I took from various sites of the video, include produced myself and please gave the comment. Greetings the Ball!


Senin, Oktober 20, 2008

Mengamen dengan Bola -
Ball Skill for Money

Mencari uang dengan cara mengadakan suatu pertunjukan di pinggir jalan adalah hal yang lazim di banyak negara. Di Indonesia kegiatan ini semacam ini kira-kira disebut "mengamen". Biasanya berupa kegiatan seni seperti menyanyi, melukis wajah atau pantomim. Atau terkadang juga seni sulap. Namun ada juga orang yang melihat bahwa keahliannya bermain bola atau dikenal dengan istilah "juggling" bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mencari tambahan. Di negara Spanyol, seorang pria memiliki ide ini. Pria ini menggelar "lapak" di trotoar dan menyediakan wadah kecil bagi siapa saja yang terkesan dengan permainannya dan berkenan memberikan sejumlah uang. Kita lihat saja apa yang ia lakukan yuk...:
Making some money by means of holding a performance at the edge of the road was usual in many countries. In Indonesia this activity this kind approximately was mentioned "ngamen".Usually took the form of the art activity as singing, depicted the face or the pantomime. Or occasionally also conjuring art. However had also the person that saw that his expertise to play football or was known with the term "juggling" could be made use of to look for the money. In the Spain, a man had this idea. This man took a small place in the pavement and provided the small box for anyone who was impressed with his game and agreed to give an amount of money. Let's take a look at this :

Tidak salah memang kalau yang beliau sajikan terlihat seperti gabungan antara seni dan sulap sepakbola, atau "magic football". Keahliannya mengolah bola dengan menggunakan seluruh anggota tubuhnya termasuk paha,bahu,kepala serta tumit. Dan tidak sedetikpun bola sempat terjatuh ke tanah. Bola laksana menempel dan menari-nari mengitari tubuhnya. Penonton yaitu para pejalan kaki pun dibuat terkesima dan berhenti sejenak. Terutama ketika bagian ia mengenakan kaos baru dan juga topi. Bola tetap tak terjatuh.Beberapa bahkan memberikan uang karena merasa cukup terhibur. Sepakbola sulap, mengamen dengan bola sepak, ide yang menarik juga. Mengapa tak kita coba?
Was not wrong indeed if that he served was seen like the combination between art and football conjuring, or "magic football". His expertise processed the ball by using all of his body including the thigh,shoulder,head and even the heels. And not a second also the ball could fall to the land. The ball seem clung and danced around orbited his body. The spectator that is the pedestrians then was made amazed and stopped for a moment. Especially the part when he put on new socks and also the hat. The ball still didn't fall down.Several spectators gave money because felt was enough to be entertained. Conjuring football, "ngamen" use a ball, is a interesting idea also. Why don't just we try it?

Senin, Oktober 06, 2008

Main Bola Memakai Kacamata Teleskop? -
Playing Football Used a Binocular Spectacles?

Apa jadinya bila manusia bermain bola dengan mata tertutup? Tentunya sudah dapat ditebak. Pemain tidak dapat melihat bola. Dan bahkan tak dapat melihat pemain dan lapangan tempat mereka bermain. Tapi bagaimana bila mereka tetap diperbolehkan melihat bola, tapi diharuskan mengenakan kacamata khusus, yaitu kacamata binokular. Kacamata binokular adalah kacamata yang kacanya cembung.Berguna untuk melihat benda yang jauh menjadi lebih dekat. Jadi obyek menjadi lebih besar dari kenyataannya. Secara kreatif orang Jepang pernah mengadakan pertandingan yang para pemainnya mengenakan kacamata demikian. Apa yang sebenarnya akan terjadi? Kita saksikan saja:
What the outcome was when the human play football with the eyes was closed? Definitely could have been guessed. The player could not see the ball. And even could not see the player and the field of their place playing. But how when they continued to be permitted to see the ball, but was required to put on the special spectacles, that is the spectacles binokular. The binokular was the spectacles that the glasses is special.It is use to see the object that far became closer. So the object became bigger than the fact is. Creatively Japanese had held the match that his players put on the spectacles thus. Whether actual will happen? Let's watch below:

Yah, ternyata walaupun masih dapat melihat bola, tapi dengan bola yang terlihat sangat dekat, pemain tidak dapat fokus dalam menendang bola, sehingga tendangan hampir selalu meleset. Para pemain juga jadi sering bertabrakan, dan bahkan sering terjatuh karena kehilangan keseimbangan. Dan ini mengundang gelak tawa para penonton, karena memang banyak adegan lucu yang terjadi. Sebenarnya bukan tidak mungkin pandangan mata yang tidak biasa itu disinkronkan dengan perintah otak untuk menggerakkan kaki. Hanya saja perlu banyak berlatih hal semacam ini. Namun sebagai sebuah variasi dalam bermain bola, ide dari Jepang ini sangat kreatif dan boleh juga kita coba.
Yes, evidently although still could see the ball, but with the ball that was seen very close, the player could not the focus in kicking the ball, so as the kick almost always missed. The players also became often colliding, and even often fell because of losing the balance. And this invited laughter of the spectators, because indeed many funny scenes that happened. In fact it was not impossible for the view of the abnormal eyes to be synchronised with the brain order to move foot. Only often must practise the matter of this kind. However as a variation in playing football, the idea from Japan this was very creative and we might be try it either sometimes.

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