Takling, atau "jegal" dalam bahasa Indonesia merupakan salah satu gerakan atau aksi atau bahkan teknik yang diperbolehkan dalam pertandingan sepakbola. Tujuannya adalah merebut bola dari kaki lawan. Namun begitu, gerakan yang satu ini termasuk dalam gerakan yang berbahaya, sebab berpotensi mencederai lawan, dan karena itu peringatan dan bahkan kartu merah dari sang wasit kerap terpaksa dikeluarkan. Berikut adalah cuplikan 4 (empat) jenis takling sepanjang pengamatan Bolasinema.
Tackle,tackling or intercepted is one of the movements or the action or even the technique that was permitted in the football match. The aim is to seize the ball from foot of the opponent. However, this act is including in the dangerous movement, because of having the potential to damage the opponent, and because that the warning and even the red card from the referee often were forced to be dismissed. Along with was the quotation 4 (four) the kind tackles, according to Bolasinema observation.
Seperti sudah anda saksikan di atas, takling dilakukan oleh pemain mana saja, dari yang dikenal temperamental sampai yang dikenal lembut. Dari posisi penyerang sampai penjaga gawang. Terkadang takling memang efektif dalam merebut bola, tapi terkadang dilakukan serampangan sehingga malah diusir wasit.
As you watching clip above, tackling was carried out by any player, from that was known temperamental to that was known to be softly players. From the position of the aggressor to the goalkeeper. Occasionally tackling quite effective in seizing the ball, but occasionally was carried out very badly,especially that was done from behind, so as even was expelled by the referee.
Kamis, April 30, 2009
Empat Jenis Takling dalam Sepakbola
Four Kinds of Tackling in the Football (Soccer)
Jumat, Januari 30, 2009
Bush dan Hughes: Kesamaan Wajah -
Bush and Hughes: Face Resemblance
Posting aku kali ini tidak melibatkan klip video seperti biasanya.Tapi tetap mengenai orang dari kalangan sepakbola.
Ini hasil pengamatanku sejak lama. Entah apakah aku satu-satunya orang yang
memperhatikan hal ini. Tapi untuk kelegaan hati, aku tuliskan saja, walaupun agak terlambat. Ini mengenai persamaan wajah antara orang-orang terkenal. George Walker Bush, mantan presiden Amerika Serikat yang 20 Januari 2009 baru saja menyerahkan tampuk kepemimpinan kepada Barack Hussein Obama Jr, aku amati mempunyai kesamaan wajah dengan salah satu pemain legendaris Manchester United (MU), Mark Hughes.
George W. Bush presiden dari Partai Republik yang lahir tanggal di New Haven,
Connecticut, Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 6 Juli 1946 menjadi Presiden Amerika selama 2 periode,dari 20 Januari 2001 sampai 20 Januari 2009. Beliau adalah Presiden Amerika Serikat ke 43 yang di akhir masa jabatannya meninggalkan tugas amat berat kepada penerusnya, Obama, krisis ekonomi yang berkepanjangan akibat perang.
Sedangkan Hughes yang bernama lengkap Leslie Mark Hughes sekarang adalah pelatih klub EPL, Manchester City. Lahir di Ruabon,Wrexham,Wales pada tanggal 1 November 1963, berposisi sebagai striker.Pernah bermain di MU dua kali, tahun 1980-86 serta 1988-95, bermain sebanyak 467 pertandingan mencetak gol bagi MU 163. Sempat bermain di Barcelona dan Bayern Munich tahun 1986-1988, kemudian melanjutkan karir di banyak klub, yaitu Chelsea,Southampton,Everton dan Blackburn Rovers.Hal yang unik dari Hughes adalah pernah menjadi pelatih nasional negaranya, Wales, ketika masih aktif sebagai pemain di Southampton,Everton dan Rovers tahun 1999-2004.Suatu hal yang tak pernah dialami pemain lain (?).
My post this time did not involve the video clip as usual.But keep talking about the person from the football circle. This results of my observation since long before. I don't know whether I the only person who paid attention to this. But for heart relief, I wrote, although rather late. This concerning the equality of the face between famous people. George Walker Bush, the former United States president that on January 20 2009 just hand over the leadership to Barack Hussein Obama Jr, was observed by me having the similarity of the face with one of the legendary players Manchester United (MU), Mark Hughes. George W. Bush the president from the Party of the Republic that was born in New Haven, Connecticut, United States on July 6 1946 became American President for 2 period, January 20 2001 to January 20 2009. He was the 43rd United States President that on the end of his period leaving the task was very difficult to his continuer, Obama, the economic crisis that was protracted resulting from the war. Whereas Hughes that has the full name Leslie Mark Hughes now was the EPL club coach, Manchester City. Born in Ruabon,Wrexham,Wales on November 1 1963, had a position as striker.Played in MU twice, 1980-86 and 1988-95, played 467 matches scored 163 goals. He played in Barcelona and Bayern Munich,1986-1988, afterwards continued the career in many clubs, that is Chelsea,Southampton,Everton and Blackburn Rovers. That unique thing of Hughes was to have become the national coach for his country, Wales, when he still was active as the player in Southampton,Everton and Rovers period 1999-2004. That was the matter that had not been experienced by the other player (? ).
Entah mengapa, dari berbagai sudut Bush dan Hughes amat mirip. Sorot mata, senyum, pembawaan, sampai bentuk rambut.Mungkin hanya aksen bicaranya saja mereka berbeda. Bush dengan logat koboi Texas, sedang Hughes dengan Bahasa Inggris British yang elegan. Bagaimana pembaca ? Mirip tidak ?
Pendapat saya mungkin berbeda dengan pembaca sekalian. Tapi lain kali akan saya amati lagi orang-orang terkait dengan olahraga yang mempunyai kemiripan wajah.
I don't why, from various corners of Bush and Hughes very much was similar. The eye, the smile, nature, until the hair cut. Maybe only their spoke accents were different. Bush with the cowboy's Texan accent, while Hughes with British English that was elegant. How the readers comment? Similar to or not similar? My opinion possibly was different of the readers. But another time I will observe again people that related to sport that had the face resemblance.
Senin, Januari 05, 2009
Sepakbola dan Tamparan -
The Ball and the Slap
Anda pernah ditampar ? Atau justru anda yang menampar ? Menampar adalah kegiatan yang banyak dihubungkan dengan "aktivitas" dalam rumah tangga. Istilah kerennya sekarang adalah Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT). Entah suami yang menampar istri, atau istri yang menampar suaminya. Namun menampar juga dilakukan oleh manusia dalam aktivitas lainnya sehari-hari. Misalnya seorang cewek yang menampar cewek lainnya karena pacarnya telah direbut. Atau ayah menampar anak gadisnya karena ketahuan kumpul kebo.Atau seorang bocah menampar temannya karena mengambil permennya tanpa bilang-bilang.
Tapi bagaimana dengan sepakbola ? Apa hubungan sepakbola dan tampar-tamparan ? Atau apakah ada tampar-tamparan di olahraga sepakbola? Mari kita saksikan saja klip di bawah ini:
You had been slapped? Or precisely you that slapped? Slapped was the activity that often was connected with the "activity" in the household. Now popular as Domestic Violence. The husband that slapped the wife, or the wife slapped his husband. However slapped also was carried out by humankind in the other activity everyday. For example a girl who slapped the other girl because his girlfriend was seized. Or the father slapped his girl because of being found out living together (without married). Or a child slapped his friend because of taking his peppermints secretly. But how about football? What is the relationship between football and slaps ? Or is there a slaps in sport of football ? Let's take a look the clip below :
Ternyata dalam permainan sepakbola yang notabene mengandalkan kaki sebagai senjata utama (kecuali penjaga gawang), terkadang tangan juga cukup andil dalam permainan. Kegiatan menampar adalah salah satu yang termasuk pelanggaran, tapi sangat sering luput dari perhatian wasit. Bila dilakukan di kotak penalti, bisa menyebabkan hukuman penalti. Dan nyaris semua pemain bola - yang ternama sekalipun, termasuk Ronaldinho - pernah melakukan tamparan kepada lawannya. Semoga saja kebiasaan menampar di lapangan hijau tidak terbawa-bawa ke luar pertandingan. Terutama ke dalam rumah tangga. Bisa runyam nanti.
Evidently in the game of football that notabene relied foot as the main weapon (except the goalkeeper), occasionally the hands also were enough the contribution in the game. The activity slapped was some that including the violation, but really often escaped from attention of the referee. When being carried out in the the penalty box, could cause the penalty punishment. And almost all the ball players - that was famous although, including Ronaldinho - had done slapped to his opposite. It is hoped the habit of slapped in the green field not persistent outside the match. Especially into the household. Could difficulties later.