Aku punya dua cuplikan gol yang tercipta secara "tidak wajar" namun ternyata disahkan oleh wasit. Cuplikan pertama adalah gol yang dicetak oleh pemain yang sesaat sebelumnya mengambil bola itu dari tangan kiper lawan,meletakkannya di tanah,menendangnya ke gawang dan...gol ! Cuplikan kedua berisi gol yang sah terjadi walaupun kiper lawan sebenarnya sedang berjalan mengambil sebuah bola yang berada di dalam gawangnya. Jelasnya kita saksikan selengkapnya yuk...:
I had two goal quotations that were created "unusual" but evidently was ratified by the referee. The first quotation was the goal that was scored by the player who for a moment beforehand took the ball from the hands of the opposing goalkeeper,put the goal in the ground,shoot it to the goal and... the goal! The second quotation contained the legal goal happened although the opposing goalkeeper in fact was going took a ball that was in his goal. For clearly we better take a look at this:
Aku masih tak jelas bagaimana gol pertama itu bisa sah. Kalau memang ada pelanggaran sebelumnya bukankah harus ada tendangan bebas atau bahkan tendangan penalti dahulu? Sehingga tim lawan sempat membentuk pagar betis terlebih dahulu? Tak jelas juga untuk gol kedua. Bukankah isi gawang adalah bagian dari lapangan pertandingan. Dan tidak diperbolehkan ada 2 atau lebih bola berada di lapangan ketika permainan sedang berlangsung? Namun kedua gol itu tampaknya sah di mata wasit. Bagaimana nih pendapat para pembaca? Kira-kira sependapat tidak sama aku?
I was still unclear how the first goal could be legal. If indeed had the violation beforehand not must have the free kick or even the penalty kick beforehand? So as the team of the opponent could make the player fence before? Unclear also for the second goal. Did the contents of the goal be part of the field of the match. And was not permitted to be 2 or more the ball was in the field when the game was play on? However the two goals apparently legal in the eyes of the referee. How the opinion of the readers? Approximately was of the same opinion like me?
Kamis, Desember 11, 2008
Gol yang Membingungkan -
The Confusing Goals
Senin, November 17, 2008
Akibat Fatal Kartu dari Wasit -
Fatal Reaction of Referee's Card
Menerima kartu hukuman dari wasit,baik kuning maupun merah,bagi seorang pemain adalah hal yang lumrah. Beberapa pemain menerima itu biasa saja.Sebagian lain kecewa karena kartu dari wasit selain bisa merusak konsentrasi,juga merusak nama baik atau kredibilitas seorang pemain. Tapi pemain yang kita saksikan di klip di bawah ini menerima kartu kuning dari wasit dengan reaksi yang berbeda. Kita saksikan saja:
Accepted the punishment card from the referee,yellow or red card,for a player was the normal matter. Several players received that was just normally. Other players disappointed because of the card from the referee beside could damage concentrate,also damaged the good reputation or the credibility of a player. But the player that we will watch in the clip below, accepted the yellow card from the referee with the different reaction. Let's take a look:
Agak mengejutkan juga melihat bahwa seorang pemain bola bisa bereaksi hebat seperti itu. Seolah-olah dunia akan kiamat bila dia diberi kartu. Dan malaikat Tuhan akan langsung menjemputnya. Ada beberapa hal yang kira-kira bisa menjadi penyebab reaksi seperti itu.Pertama: janjinya pada diri sendiri bahwa ia akan mengakhiri karirnya sebagai pemain bila dihadiahi kartu oleh wasit. Yang kedua: janjinya pada istrinya bahwa dia tak akan mendapat kartu hukuman dari wasit sepanjang karirnya.Bila tidak,istrinya akan kembali ke orangtuanya. Jadi kartu dari wasit tampak merusak semua obsesinya. Dan dia merasa Tuhan telah memanggilnya saat itu juga. Oh nasiibb....
Rather startling also saw that a ball player could great react like that. As if the world would doomsday when he was given the card. And the angel of God will at once pick up him. There were several matters that approximately could become the cause of the reaction like it. First: he promiseed to himself that he will end his career as the player if given a card by the referee. And the second: he promiseed to his wife that he will not get the punishment card from the referee as long as his career.If not, his wife will return to his parents. So the card from the referee seem damages all of his obsessions. And he felt God called him at that time. Ooo bad fate...
Senin, November 03, 2008
Main Bola sambil Nyetir ? -
Play Football While Driving ?
Permainan sepakbola dapat dimainkan oleh siapa saja. Berbagai variasi sudah banyak dicoba mainkan oleh orang-orang. Seperti yang Bolasinema tampilkan dalam posting-posting sebelumnya,baik dimainkan oleh pemain basket,memakai teleskop,dimainkan oleh pengamen,dimainkan oleh para filsuf, ataupun dimainkan di dalam ruangan. Namun begitu tentu faktor manusia tetap memegang peranan paling penting di sini. Tapi bagaimana bila sepakbola dimainkan oleh kendaraan? Dalam hal ini dengan mobil? Tentu bisa dibayangkan kelucuan-kelucuan yang dan adegan-adegan dramatis yang akan terjadi bukan? Singkatnya kita lihat saja ya cuplikan pertandingannya:
The game of football could be played by anyone. Various variations have often been tried played by people. Like that Bolasinema put forward in the posts beforehand, for example soccer was played by the basket player,used teleskop,played by the busker,played by the philosophers, or was played in the room. However certainly the human factor continued to hold the role was most important here. But how when football was played by the vehicle? In this case by the car? Certainly could be imagined the humour and dramatic scenes that will happen,is it? We better watch the match quotation:
Ternyata sepakbola juga dapat dimainkan dengan memakai kendaraan. Walaupun tanpa penjaga gawang,tapi peraturan pertandingan cukup lengkap juga: ada wasit dan bahkan: tendangan bebas. Tapi yang pasti tentu para pengendara mobil-mobil tersebut harus memenuhi 2 syarat: mahir berkendara dan tentu saja: bisa bermain bola. Tapi satu yang pasti memainkan bola dengan cara begini tentu menjadi sangat mahal. Tentu karena harus menyediakan pemain utamanya yaitu mobil yang pasti harus direlakan untuk saling bertabrakan. Tapi ide seperti ini tentu menarik untuk dicoba juga sebagai variasi lain bermain bola. Ada yang berminat mobilnya dijadikan korban?
Evidently football could be also played by using the vehicle. Although without the goal keeper,but the match regulation was complete enough also: had the referee and even: the free kick. But that was certain certainly these drivers of cars must fill 2 conditions: very good skill at driving and certain: could play football. But one that must, play the soccer by means of like this certainly became very expensive. Certainly because of must provide the player especially that is the certain car must be given willingly to collide with each other. But the idea like this was clearly interesting to be tried also as the other variation played football. Who are interested your car was made casualties?
Senin, Oktober 20, 2008
Mengamen dengan Bola -
Ball Skill for Money
Mencari uang dengan cara mengadakan suatu pertunjukan di pinggir jalan adalah hal yang lazim di banyak negara. Di Indonesia kegiatan ini semacam ini kira-kira disebut "mengamen". Biasanya berupa kegiatan seni seperti menyanyi, melukis wajah atau pantomim. Atau terkadang juga seni sulap. Namun ada juga orang yang melihat bahwa keahliannya bermain bola atau dikenal dengan istilah "juggling" bisa dimanfaatkan untuk mencari tambahan. Di negara Spanyol, seorang pria memiliki ide ini. Pria ini menggelar "lapak" di trotoar dan menyediakan wadah kecil bagi siapa saja yang terkesan dengan permainannya dan berkenan memberikan sejumlah uang. Kita lihat saja apa yang ia lakukan yuk...:
Making some money by means of holding a performance at the edge of the road was usual in many countries. In Indonesia this activity this kind approximately was mentioned "ngamen".Usually took the form of the art activity as singing, depicted the face or the pantomime. Or occasionally also conjuring art. However had also the person that saw that his expertise to play football or was known with the term "juggling" could be made use of to look for the money. In the Spain, a man had this idea. This man took a small place in the pavement and provided the small box for anyone who was impressed with his game and agreed to give an amount of money. Let's take a look at this :
Tidak salah memang kalau yang beliau sajikan terlihat seperti gabungan antara seni dan sulap sepakbola, atau "magic football". Keahliannya mengolah bola dengan menggunakan seluruh anggota tubuhnya termasuk paha,bahu,kepala serta tumit. Dan tidak sedetikpun bola sempat terjatuh ke tanah. Bola laksana menempel dan menari-nari mengitari tubuhnya. Penonton yaitu para pejalan kaki pun dibuat terkesima dan berhenti sejenak. Terutama ketika bagian ia mengenakan kaos baru dan juga topi. Bola tetap tak terjatuh.Beberapa bahkan memberikan uang karena merasa cukup terhibur. Sepakbola sulap, mengamen dengan bola sepak, ide yang menarik juga. Mengapa tak kita coba?
Was not wrong indeed if that he served was seen like the combination between art and football conjuring, or "magic football". His expertise processed the ball by using all of his body including the thigh,shoulder,head and even the heels. And not a second also the ball could fall to the land. The ball seem clung and danced around orbited his body. The spectator that is the pedestrians then was made amazed and stopped for a moment. Especially the part when he put on new socks and also the hat. The ball still didn't fall down.Several spectators gave money because felt was enough to be entertained. Conjuring football, "ngamen" use a ball, is a interesting idea also. Why don't just we try it?
Senin, Oktober 06, 2008
Main Bola Memakai Kacamata Teleskop? -
Playing Football Used a Binocular Spectacles?
Apa jadinya bila manusia bermain bola dengan mata tertutup? Tentunya sudah dapat ditebak. Pemain tidak dapat melihat bola. Dan bahkan tak dapat melihat pemain dan lapangan tempat mereka bermain. Tapi bagaimana bila mereka tetap diperbolehkan melihat bola, tapi diharuskan mengenakan kacamata khusus, yaitu kacamata binokular. Kacamata binokular adalah kacamata yang kacanya cembung.Berguna untuk melihat benda yang jauh menjadi lebih dekat. Jadi obyek menjadi lebih besar dari kenyataannya. Secara kreatif orang Jepang pernah mengadakan pertandingan yang para pemainnya mengenakan kacamata demikian. Apa yang sebenarnya akan terjadi? Kita saksikan saja:
What the outcome was when the human play football with the eyes was closed? Definitely could have been guessed. The player could not see the ball. And even could not see the player and the field of their place playing. But how when they continued to be permitted to see the ball, but was required to put on the special spectacles, that is the spectacles binokular. The binokular was the spectacles that the glasses is special.It is use to see the object that far became closer. So the object became bigger than the fact is. Creatively Japanese had held the match that his players put on the spectacles thus. Whether actual will happen? Let's watch below:
Yah, ternyata walaupun masih dapat melihat bola, tapi dengan bola yang terlihat sangat dekat, pemain tidak dapat fokus dalam menendang bola, sehingga tendangan hampir selalu meleset. Para pemain juga jadi sering bertabrakan, dan bahkan sering terjatuh karena kehilangan keseimbangan. Dan ini mengundang gelak tawa para penonton, karena memang banyak adegan lucu yang terjadi. Sebenarnya bukan tidak mungkin pandangan mata yang tidak biasa itu disinkronkan dengan perintah otak untuk menggerakkan kaki. Hanya saja perlu banyak berlatih hal semacam ini. Namun sebagai sebuah variasi dalam bermain bola, ide dari Jepang ini sangat kreatif dan boleh juga kita coba.
Yes, evidently although still could see the ball, but with the ball that was seen very close, the player could not the focus in kicking the ball, so as the kick almost always missed. The players also became often colliding, and even often fell because of losing the balance. And this invited laughter of the spectators, because indeed many funny scenes that happened. In fact it was not impossible for the view of the abnormal eyes to be synchronised with the brain order to move foot. Only often must practise the matter of this kind. However as a variation in playing football, the idea from Japan this was very creative and we might be try it either sometimes.
Kamis, September 18, 2008
Bila Para Filsuf Bermain Bola -
When the Philosophers Played Football
Apa jadinya bila para filsuf berkumpul dan bermain bola? Tentu anda sulit membayangkannya bukan? Yang akan kita saksikan di bawah ini adalah antara dua negara yang dikenal paling banyak menghasilkan filsuf atau ahli filsafat di dunia, yaitu Yunani dan Jerman. Terutama Yunani, siapa tak kenal Plato,Archimedes,Aristoteles atau Socrates. Mereka ternyata jago juga bermain bola. Hmmm, setidaknya mereka mengerti filsafat bermain bola. Dari negara Jerman juga tak mau kalah. Dimotori oleh Nietzsche dan Immanuel Kant, serta pemain cadangan Karl Marx, Jerman tampil bergaya untuk mengimbangi Yunani. Ya sudahlah, sebaiknya kita tonton saja cuplikan pertandingan, daripada penasaran. Yuk...:
What the outcome when the philosophers gathered and played football? Certainly you had difficulty to imagine that,is it? That will be witnessed by us below this was between two countries that were known often produced the philosopher or the philosophy master in the world, that is Greece and Germany. Especially Greece, who did not know Plato,Archimedes,Aristoteles or Socrates. They evidently very good also to play football. Hmmm, at least they understood the philosophy of football. From the German also did not want to lose. Driven by Nietzsche and Immanuel Kant, beside the reserve player Karl Marx, Germany appeared was stylish to match Greece. Okay then, we better watched the match quotation, than was curious. Come on... :
Ah, memang dasar "tukang" filsafat. Ternyata mereka malah lebih asyik berbincang-bincang dan berpikir sendiri daripada bermain dan menikmati permainan. Walaupun sewaktu pemanasan terlihat bahwa mereka mempunyai skill yang cukup mumpuni, tapi ketika permainan dimulai, naluri sebagai filsuf ternyata lebih menguasai mereka, dan lupa pada permainan bola. Tapi beruntung permainan berakhir juga ketika gol tercipta, seperti yang telah anda saksikan di atas. Bagaimana anda pembaca menilai para permainan para master kita ini? Anda percaya yang anda lihat? Ini bukan mimpi lho. Hehe, bola memang untuk segala bangsa dan segala profesi.
Well, such was the philosopher. Evidently they even more engrosseded in discussing and thinking personally than played and enjoyed the game. Although when the warming up they was seen had skill that was good enough, but when the game was begun, instinct as the philosopher evidently more controlled them, and forgot in the game of the ball. But lucky the game ended also when the goal was created, like that was witnessed by you above. How you the reader considered the games of our masters? You believed everything that you seen? Yes, it was not the dream. Hehe, the ball indeed for all the nations and all the professions.
Rabu, September 03, 2008
Pemain Bola atau Aktor kah ini ?
Is It a Football Player or An Actor ?
Pemain bola berprestasi dan sudah sangat terkenal sekalipun tetap memiliki kelemahan. Kelemahan paling menyolok adalah dalam hal "perilaku". Dalam era permainan sepakbola modern sekarang, dimana kemenangan adalah sesuatu yang sangat mahal, pemain akan melakukan apa saja demi meraih keuntungan. Dalam hal ini pemain akan terus berusaha untuk mengelabui sang pemimpin pertandingan, yaitu wasit yang tentu saja memiliki sejumlah keterbatasan, karena wasit tetap saja seorang manusia. Mata alami mereka terkadang kesulitan mengamati pergerakan pemain yang semakin lama semakin cepat. Dan perilaku tidak terpuji ini tetap dilakukan oleh seorang pemain besar sekalipun. Nama-nama yang di dunia sepakbola melekat dengan adegan tipuan atau diving ini adalah Cristiano Ronaldo, Filippo Inzaghi atau Didier Drogba. Dan masih banyak lagi. Mereka bisa saja tiba-tiba terjatuh walaupun tak ada seorang atau sesuatu pun yang menyentuh mereka. Mereka memang pantas menjadi aktor kelas Oscar sekalipun. Dalam klip berikut ini disajikan beberapa adegan dimana diving-diving itu terjadi. Dan sebenarnya bukan hanya pemain saja, ofisial tim pun melakukannya.
The football player that has been high-achieving and been very famous still having the weakness. The most weakness was in the matter of the "behaviour". In the era of modern football game right now, where the victory was something that was very expensive, the player will carry out any in order to gain the profit. In this case the player will continue to try to deceive the leader of the match, that is the certain referee had several limitations, because of the referee is a humankind. Their natural eyes occasionally the difficulty observed the movement of the player that was increasingly faster. And the bad behaviour continued to be carried out by a top player.The names in the world of football that known as actors of the trick scene or diving for sample was Cristiano Ronaldo, Filippo Inzaghi or Didier Drogba. And many others. They could suddenly fell although not having a person or something that touched them. They were quite appropriate to become Oscar's class actor even. In the clip along with this was presented by several scenes where divings that happened. And in fact not only the player, the official of the team then do the same.
Beberapa memang bisa diperdebatkan, itu pelanggaran atau bukan, tapi bahwa pemain jaman sekarang selalu berniat mengelabui wasit dan juga penonton adalah masalah yang semua orang sudah tahu. Tipuan atau diving ini sudah sampai pada tahap benar-benar melanggar sportivitas, menentukan hidup matinya suatu tim, dan terjadi bahkan di kejuaraan besar seperti Piala Dunia. Ingat ketika Fabio Grosso ber "diving ria" dan sukses menyingkirkan Australia di Piala Dunia 2006? Bolasinema sendiri telah menentukan adegan tipuan terbaik yang pernah ada. Minimal dalam klip ini. Bagaimana dengan para pembaca, setuju tidak dengan pilihanku?
Several indeed could be debated, that the violation or not, but that the modern player always intended to deceive the referee and also the audience was the problem that everyone has known. Deceit or diving this already arrived in the stage really violated sportsmanship, determined the life of the death of a team, and happened even in the big championship like the World Cup. Remembered when Fabio Grosso done "a good dive" and successful evacuated Australia in the World Cup 2006? Bolasinema personally determined the best deceit scene available. Minimal in this clip. How with the readers, agreed not with my choice?
Selasa, Agustus 19, 2008
Ronaldinho dan Sepatu Barunya -
Ronaldinho and A New Shoes
Salah satu pemain terbaik dunia asal Brasil, Ronaldinho, pada suatu hari kedatangan seseorang yang datang menawarkan sesuatu kepadanya. Kejutan apa yang diterima oleh pemain yang sekarang bermain di klub AC Milan ini? Mari kita saksikan cuplikan berikut ini:
One of the best footballer in the world, the Brasillian Ronaldinho was visited by someone that offered something to him. What kind of surprise this AC Milan player received? Let's take a look this clip:
Terserah anda menilai. Apakah sepatu itu yang membuat Dinho mampu membuat sepakbola sulap? Atau memang tanpa sepatu pun kaki Ronaldinho tetap mampu membuat keajaiban. Bagaimana kira-kira pendapat anda?
It's up to you to judge.Is that shoes make Dinho able to make football magic? Or even without any shoes Ronaldinho still can make the miracle. How is your opinion?
Rabu, Agustus 06, 2008
Jay Jay Okocha,Gelandang Ajaib dari Nigeria -
Jay Jay Okocha, A Magic Midfielder from Nigeria
Kali ini aku ingin membahas salah satu pemain sepakbola terbaik yang pernah dimiliki Afrika. Berasal dari Nigeria, ia salah seniman bola yang sangat kukagumi. Dia adalah Jay Jay Okocha. Mempunyai nama lengkap Augustine Azuka "Jay-Jay" Okocha,dilahirkan 14 Agustus 1973 di Enugu,Nigeria.Bertinggi badan 173 cm (tidak terlalu tinggi untuk ukuran Eropa) dan bermain di posisi gelandang menyerang.Di masa jayanya dia salah satu yang terbaik dalam hal dribble disertai intelegensia tinggi,layaknya pemain-pemain Amerika Latin. Tendangan bebas adalah salah satu spesialisasinya yang sangat ditakuti kiper-kiper lawan.Okocha memulai karir yuniornya di klub Enugu Rangers di tanah kelahirannya.Memasuki usia senior, Okocha bergabung ke dua klub Bundesliga, Borussia Neunkirchen (1990-92) serta Eintracht Frankfurt (1992-96). Sukses di Jerman, Okocha ditarik klub Turki,Fenerbache, dan bermain di sana selama 2 tahun (1996-98) bermain 63 kali dan mencetak 30 gol.Cukup subur untuk ukuran seorang gelandang. Dari Turki, Perancis ditempatinya selama 4 tahun (1998-2002), yaitu di klub Paris Saint Germain (PSG). Hanya 12 gol total dari 84 kali bermain, tapi Okocha menjadi semakin terkenal sejak bermain di klub ini.
This time I wanted to discuss one of the best football players who had been had the Africa. Came from Nigeria, he was one of the football artist who really was admired by me. He was Jay Jay Okocha. Had the complete name of Augustine Azuka "Jay-Jay" Okocha,was born on August 14 1973 in Enugu,Nigeria.Height the body 173 cm (was not too high for the European measurement) and playing in the position of the attacking midfield.In his glorious era he was some that were best in the matter dribble was accompanied by the high intelligent,like the Latin America players. The free kick was one of his specialisations that really was feared by the opposite goalkeepers.Okocha began his junior career in the Enugu Rangers club in the land of home.Entry the senior age, Okocha gathered to two Bundesliga clubs, Borussia Neunkirchen (1990-92) as well as Eintracht Frankfurt (1992-96). Success in Germany, Okocha was attracted the club Turkey,Fenerbache, and playing there for 2 years (1996-98) played 63 times and scored 30 goals.Fertile enough for the measurement of a midfield.From Turkey, France was occupied by him for 4 years (1998-2002), that is in the club Paris Saint Germain (PSG). Only 12 total goals from 84 playing times, but Okocha became increasingly famous since playing in this club.
Okocha lalu berlabuh di Inggris.Bermain di English Premiere League (EPL) bersama klub Bolton Wanderers selama 4 tahun (2002-2006), Okocha bahkan terpilih sebagai kapten, sesuatu hal yang pantas berkat pengalaman dan kepemimpinannya,walaupun di musim terakhirnya bersama Bolton Okocha hanya mencetak satu gol dari 27 penampilan.
Selesai bertugas di Bolton, Jay Jay Okocha mencoba peruntungannya ke benua Asia. Di tanah Arab. Negara Qatar tujuannya. Disana dia menjadi tokoh yang sangat penting di klub Qatar Sports Club. Hanya semusim (2006-2007) dan bermain sebanyak 41 kali, Okocha berhasil mencetak 6 gol. Kabar terakhir, di ujung karir sang legenda ini adalah Okocha kembali ke tanah Inggris. Dia bermain bagi kesebelasan Hull City di Championship Division, satu divisi di bawah EPL.Dia mengakhiri karirnya sebagai pemain bola di klub itu. Di Hull City, Okocha hanya bermain 18 kali dan tidak mencetak satu gol pun.Total gol yang dicetak Okocha selama karirnya di klub adalah 80 gol dari 402 penampilan.
Okocha then landed in England.Played in English Premiere League (EPL) with the Bolton Wanderers for 4 years (2002-2006), Okocha was in fact chosen as the captain, a matter that was appropriate owing to the experience and leadership,although also in the last season with Bolton Okocha only scored one goal from 27 appearances.Be finished was assigned in Bolton, Jay Jay Okocha tried his fortune to the Asian continent. In the Arabian land. The Qatar country his aim. There he became the leading figure who was very important in the club Qatar Sports Club. Only one season (2006-2007) and played as many as 41 times, Okocha succeeded in scored 6 goals. The latest news, at the end of the career this legend was Okocha back to the English land. He playing for the Hull City soccer team in Championship Division, one division below EPL.Dia ended his career as the ball player in this club. In Hull City, Okocha only played 18 times and did not score even one goal.Total the goal that was scored by Okocha while his career in the club was 80 goals from 402 appearances.
Satu catatan penting lagi, Jay Jay Okocha menjadi bagian dari generasi emas anak-anak muda Nigeria yang meraih medali emas pada Olimpiade 1996 Atlanta. Teman-teman seperjuangannya beberapa telah pensiun dan beberapa masih aktif. Nwanko Kanu dan Celetine Babayaro adalah salah satu yang masih aktif. Kanu bahkan akan bermain di Olimpiade Beijing 2008.Yang telah pensiun seperti Daniel Amokachi,Victor Ikpeba atau Tarobo West. Total Okocha bermain di tim nasional adalah sebanyak 75 kali dan mencetak 14 gol.Dia memilih Piala Afrika tahun 2006 sebagai penampilan terakhirnya di tim nasional Nigeria dalam turnamen resmi.Namun dia merayakan hari pensiunnya secara resmi melalui suatu pertandingan persahabatan di kota Warri, Nigeria pada tanggal 26 Juni 2008 antara tim "Super Elang" Nigeria melawan tim Afrika XI,dan Okocha pensiun dalam usia 35 tahun.
Nama kecil Okocha, yaitu Azuka dalam bahasa Nigeria berarti "pengalaman adalah guru terbaik". Dia menikah dengan orang sebangsanya juga,Nkechi dan dikaruniai dua anak, Daniella dan AJ. Satu lagi yang unik dari Okocha adalah dia juga memegang kewarganegaraan Turki, dan namanya di sana adalah Muhammad Yavuz.
Penghargaan lainnya adalah gelar sebagai Pemain Terbaik Afrika 2003 dan 2004 dan menjadi kapten tim nasional "Super Elang" Nigeria tahun 2002 - 2006.
Augustine Azuka "Jay-Jay" Okocha memang salah satu legenda sepakbola Nigeria, dan kehadirannya telah menginspirasi lahirnya bibit-bibit baru pesepakbola Afrika sampai sekarang.
One important note again, Jay Jay Okocha became part of the gold generation of Nigerian youngman that gained the gold medal in olympic games 1996 Atlanta. His friends of the same struggle several has the pension and several were still being active. Nwanko Kanu and Celetine babayaro was one of them. Kanu even will play in Beijing Olympic Games 2008. That has retired like Daniel Amokachi,Victor Ikpeba or Tarobo West.Totally Okocha playing in the national team was as many as 75 times and scored 14 goals.Dia chose the African Cup in 2006 as the last appearance in the national Nigerian team in the official tournament.But he celebrated his retired day officially through a friendship match in the Warri City, Nigeria on June 26 2008 between the "Super Eagles" team Nigerian opposed the African XI,and Okocha retired in the age 35 years.
The Okocha's nick name, Azuka in the Nigerian language meant the "experience is the best teacher". He married the Nigerian either,Nkechi and was blessed with two children, Daniella and AJ. One more thing that were unique from Okocha was he also held Turkey citizenship, and his name there was Muhammad Yavuz. The other appreciation was the degree as the African Footballer of the Year 2003 and 2004 and became the captain of the national team "Super Eagles" Nigeria in 2002 - 2006. Augustine Azuka "Jay-Jay" Okocha is one of Nigerian football legend, and his presence had inspired the birth of new seeds of African footballer until now.
Jumat, Juli 11, 2008
Vinnie Jones,Bintang di Lapangan,Bintang di Layar Lebar-
Vinnie Jones,Star in the Field,Star in the Movie Screen
Walaupun bernama "Bolasinema",namun ini adalah postingku yang pertama membahas sepakbola yang berhubungan dengan sinema dengan begitu terkait.Sinema kata lainnya adalah movie,atau teater,atau film atau apapun pertunjukan yang bergerak. Ada dua orang mantan pemain sepakbola yang selama ini menarik perhatian saya selaku penggemar sepakbola dunia. Pemain pertama tak lain dan tak bukan adalah "Si Tangan Tuhan" Diego Armando Maradona. Semua orang pasti sudah mengenalnya.Sepak terjangnya di dalam dan di luar lapangan sama hebohnya.Sisi positif dan negatifnya berimbang. Tetapi akan kita bahas mengenai Maradona di lain kesempatan saja.Adapun pemain kedua yang menarik perhatian saya adalah Vinnie Jones. Bernama lengkap Vincent Peter Jones,lahir pada 5 Januari 1965 di Watford,Inggris.Bermain dalam 384 pertandingan liga and mencetak 33 goals selama karirnya.Pemain ini ketika masih aktif bermain memang terkenal dengan sifatnya yang temperamental.Tak kenal takut,kadang bermain kasar dan curang.Tak heran kartu kuning dan merah menjadi langganannya. Mendapatkan 12 kartu merah sepanjang karirnya,Jones bahkan pernah diberi kartu kuning ketika pertandingan baru berjalan 5 detik.Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne juga pernah merasakan "jamahan" pemain ini ketika dalam suatu pertandingan Jones memegang alat kelamin Gascoigne sampai kesakitan. Jones juga pernah membunuh karir pemain Tottenham Hotspur Gary Stevens lewat suatu takling yang mematikan. Pemain nasional Wales ini pernah memperkuat klub EPL,Wimbledon sebanyak 2 kali yakni musim 1986-1989 dan 1992-1998.Dan memang di klub inilah Jones menjadi legenda.Mengakhiri karir di klub Queens Park Rangers sebagai manajer sebelum dia pensiun dari dunia sepakbola. Karir show biz nya dimulai ketika Jones menjadi bintang dalam film karya Guy Ritchie (suami Madonna) dalam Lock,Stock,and Two Smoking Barrels.Vinnie Jones lalu menjadi tamu dalam acara semacam "Smack Down" yakni World Wrestling Federation pada 6 Desember 1998.Jones juga sempat menjadi host acara televisi dan membintangi beberapa iklan.Perjalanan karir Jones selanjutnya tampaknya mantap di dunia film.Baik karya Inggris maupun Hollywood.Sampai awal tahun 2008 ini tercatat sudah sekitar 29 film yang ia bintangi.Salah satu film dimana Jones bermain adalah Euro Trip.Produksi tahun 2004 ini menceritakan tentang 4 anak remaja Amerika yang ingin mengisi liburannya dengan berjalan-jalan ke Eropa.Dan mereka mengalami beberapa masalah selama perjalanan.B
erikut ini scene dimana Vinnie Jones sedang berakting.Kita saksikan saja klip ini:
Although having a name "Bolasinema",but this was my first post that discussed about football that was connected with the cinema with so tight.Sinema other words were movie, or the theatre, or the film or anything the moving performance.There were two people the former football player who attracted my attention as the lover of world football.The first player actually of course is "The Hand of God" Diego Armando Maradona.Everyone definitely already know him.His activities inside and outside of field was the same way. His positive and negative side was balanced.But Maradona will be discussed by us in other time. The second former player that interesting my attention was Vinnie Jones.Had the full name Vincent Peter Jones, was born on January 5 1965 in Watford, England. Played 384 league games and scored 33 goals in his soccer career.This player when still active playing quite famous with his characteristics that temperamental.H didn't knew frightened, sometimes playing rough and dishonest.It is not surprising the yellow and red card became his customer.Got 12 red cards for the length of his career, Jones had in fact been given the yellow card when the match just went 5 seconds.Paul "Gazza" Gascoigne also had felt "the touch" of Jones when in a match Jones held the Gascoigne sex organ until so hurt.Jones also had killed the player's career Tottenham Hotspur Gary Stevens through some tackling that was deadly.This national Welsh player had played on the EPL club, Wimbledon totalling 2 times ,the season 1986-1989 and 1992-1998.And indeed in this club Jones being the legend. Ending the career in Queens Park Rangers as the manager before he retired from the world of football.The career show biz of him was begun when Jones became the star in the film of Guy Ritchie (the husband of Madonna) in Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Vinnie Jones then became the guest in the agenda a kind of "Smack Down" namely World Wrestling Federation on December 6 1998.Jones also could become host the television program and starred in several advertising.The Jones career furthermore apparently stable in the world of movie,the English or Hollywood.Up to the beginning of 2008 was recorded already around 29 films that he star in.One of movie where Jones playing was Euro Trip.The production of 2004 told all about 4 American youth children who wanted to fill up his holiday in a walking manner to Europe. And they experienced several problems during the trip.Next the scene where Vinnie Jones was acting.We watch this clip:
Senin, Juni 30, 2008
Spanyol, Sang Juara dengan Seni dan Konsistensi -
Spain, the Champ with the Art and Consistency
Setelah menunggu selama 44 tahun, akhirnya Spanyol kembali membuktikan eksistensinya sebagai salah satu kekuatan sepakbola Eropa, setelah di final UEFA Euro 2008 yang digelar tanggal 30 Juni 2008 di Stadion Ernst Happel di kota Wina, Austria berhasil menjadi juara. Pada kejuaraan yang digelar di dua negara, Austria dan Swiss ini Spanyol mengalahkan Jerman di final dengan skor tipis 1-0, Spanyol keluar sebagai pemenang melalui gol tunggal striker yang bermain di klub Liverpool, Fernando Torres pada menit ke 33. Melihat jalannya permainan, Spanyol memang layak menjadi pemenang karena lebih menguasai permainan dan membuat Jerman benar-benar kesulitan mengembangkan permainan. Permainan Spanyol pun lebih memikat melalui sentuhan bola dari kaki ke kaki yang sangat berseni yang membuatnya layak menyandang gelar "Brasilnya Eropa". Secara keseluruhan pun Spanyol layak menjadi yang terbaik di turnamen ini dilihat dari konsistensi selama kejuaraan. Tak terkalahkan selama penyisihan grup dan meraih poin maksimal 9, Spanyol tetap menunjukkan permainan yang konsisten menawan di perempat final dan semifinal. Dan itu berlanjut pula di babak final yang membuat mereka menjadi juara. Baiklah, kita lihat saja cuplikan penampilan Spanyol dan Jerman di bawah ini disertai perayaan kemenangan Spanyol di bawah pimpinan kapten, Iker Casillas.
After being waiting for 44 years, finally Spain again proved his existence as one of the strengths of European football, after in the UEFA Euro final 2008 that was placed June,30 2008 in Ernst Happel Stadium, Vienna, Austria succeeded in becoming the champion.In the championship that was held in two countries, Austria and Switzerland, Spain overcame Germany in the final with the score 1-0, Spain went out as the winner through the single goal striker that was playing in the Liverpool FC, Fernando Torres in the minute to 33. Saw the running of the game, Spain was indeed appropriate to become the winner because more controlled the game and made Germany really the difficulty developed the game. The Spanish game even more attracted through the touch of the ball from foot to foot that was very artistic that made him appropriate to have degree of "The Brazillian Europe". On the whole then Spain appropriate to that was best in this tournament was seen from consistency for the championship. Always won for elimination of the group and gained the maximal point 9, Spain continued to show the game that consistent in the quarterfinal and the semi-final.And that continued also in the grand final that made them become the champion. Okay, let's see the Spanish and Germany appearance below this was accompanied by celebration of the Spanish victory under the command of the captain, Iker Casillas.
Kejuaraan telah berakhir. Sang pemenang telah lahir. Banyak pemain dan pelatih yang bersinar ataupun meredup selama kejuaraan. Pelatih Spanyol, Luis Aragones pun telah menyatakan mundur usai turnamen. Demikian pula kiper Jerman, Jens Lehmann merencanakan hal yang sama. Cristiano Ronaldo dari Portugal gagal bersinar selama Euro seiring kegagalan Portugal. Namun yang pasti sepakbola tak akan berhenti sampai disini. Usai pulang ke negara masing-masing, pemain dan pelatih harus segera bersiap bertempur di kompetisi lokal masing-masing. Dan kita, penikmat sepakbola akan kembali dibuat tegang oleh kedahsyatan sepakbola. Akan ada Olimpiade, serta penyisihan Piala Dunia 2010 yang sama-sama kita tunggu. Apapun itu, selamat buat Austria dan Swiss, penyelenggara turnamen. Dan selamat untuk Spanyol. Anda memang layak menjadi juara. May the Best Team Win...!
The championship ended. The winner has born. Many players and the coach who shone or overcast for the championship.The Spanish coach, Luis Aragones then said retreated after the tournament. Likewise the Germany goalkeeper, Jens Lehmann planned the same thing. Cristiano Ronaldo from Portugal failed to shine for Euro together with the Portugese failure. However that was certain football will not stop until here. After coming home to their respective country, the player and the coach immediately must be ready to fight in their local competition. And we, the lover of football will come back was made tense by the awesomeness of football. Will have the olympic games, as well as elimination of the World Cup 2010 that together we were waiting. Anything that, congratulations for Austria and Switzerland, the organiser of the tournament. And congratulations for Spain also. You were indeed appropriate to become the champion. May the Best Team Win...!
Jumat, Juni 27, 2008
Jerman dan Spanyol,Siapa Juara Eropa 2008 ? -
Germany and Spain,Who is European Champion 2008 ?
Akhirnya dua tim raksasa sepakbola Eropa dan dunia,Jerman dan Spanyol berhak memperebutkan mahkota juara Piala Eropa 2008 yang diselenggarakan di dua negara, Austria dan Swiss. Di semifinal, dua tim ini mengalahkan tim yang sebenarnya tidak diunggulkan. Bukannya menghadapi tim-tim macan seperti Belanda atau Portugal. Atau Italia atau Perancis, tapi Rusia dan Turki. Jerman memukul Turki 3-2 di Stadion St.Jacob Park di kota Basel,Swiss. Sedangkan Spanyol melipat Rusia 3-0 di Ernest Happel Stadium, Wina,Austria. Walaupun Turki pernah mencapai peringkat ketiga di Piala Dunia 2002,tapi secara struktural,Turki berada di kelas menengah sepakbola Eropa.Baik tim nasional maupun klub. Turki masih harus berjuang untuk menembus level atas sepakbola Eropa. Dan modal untuk itu ada. Sebab semakin banyaknya pemain Turki yang bermain di klub-klub besar Eropa,seperti Inggris,Spanyol,Italia,Belanda,Perancis,atau Jerman akan meningkatkan kualitas pemain Turki secara individual dan pada akhirnya meningkatkan kualitas tim nasionalnya. Sedangkan Rusia pernah begitu bersinar ketika masih bernama Uni Soviet. Dan ketika negara itu pecah menjadi beberapa negara, Rusia harus tertatih-tatih membangun lagi kekuatan sepakbolanya.Dan di bawah pelatih asal Belanda Guus Hiddink, Rusia menjelma lagi menjadi kekuatan menakutkan. Kita lihat saja cuplikan kedua pertandingan semifinal Euro 2008 di bawah ini:
Finally two teams of the European and world high level football, Germany and Spain had the right to contest to grand final of the European Cup 2008 that was held in two countries, Austria and Switzerland. In the semi-final, two teams overcame the actual the underdog team. Not faced teams of the tiger like the Netherlands or Portugal.Or Italia or France, but Russia and Turkey. Germany struck Turkey 3-2 in the St.Jacob Park Stadium in the Basel City, Switzerland. Whereas Spain defeated Russia 3-0 in Ernest Happel Stadium, Vienna, Austria. Although Turki had achieved the third level in the World Cup 2002, but structurally, Turkey was in the football middle class of Europe. The national team and the clubs. Turkey must be still fighting to penetrate the high level on European football. And capital for that was available.Because even more of them the player Turki that was playing in top European clubs, like England, Spain, Italia, the Netherlands, France, or Germany will increase the quality of the player of Turkey individually and at the end increased the quality of the national team. Whereas Russia had like that shined when still was named the Soviet Union. And when the country broke out to several countries, Russia must unsteadily develop again the strength of their football.Dan under the coach from Dutch Guus Hiddink, Russia changed still became the frightening strength. Let us watch the quotation of the two Euro semi-final matches 2008 below this:
Kembali kepada dua tim finalis, Jerman dan Spanyol. Memang Jerman sesuai tradisi mempunyai peluang lebih besar untuk menjadi juara. Selain lebih berpengalaman dalam menghadapi turnamen tingkat tinggi,Jerman juga mempunyai mental juara. Walaupun begitu Spanyol juga mempunyai peluang. Diperkuat pemain-pemain yang merumput di klub-klub La Liga, Spanyol tentu tidak akan menyerah begitu saja. Mereka akan berjuang meruntuhkan keangkuhan tim Jerman yang memang terkenal sebagai tim "spesialis turnamen". Tim mana yang akan menang? kita tunggu saja Final Piala Eropa 2008 yang akan berlangsung pada Minggu 29 Juni 2008 pukul 20.45 waktu setempat di Ernst Happel Stadium di kota Wina, Austria. Selamat menikmati !
Came back to two teams of the finalist, Germany and Spain. Indeed Germany in accordance with the tradition had the opportunity was bigger to become the champion. Beside of more experienced in facing the high-level tournament, Germany also had bounced the champion. Despite this Spain also had the opportunity. Reinforced by players that play in La Liga competition, Spain certainly will not surrender just like that. They will fight to destroy the team's German pride that indeed was known as the team of the "tournament specialist". What team that will win? We just wait the Final of the European Cup 2008 that will take place on Sunday June 29 2008 time 20,45 local time in Ernst Happel Stadium in the Viennese city, Austria. Enjoy it!
Selasa, Juni 17, 2008
Henrik Larsson dan Perubahan Rambutnya -
Henrik Larsson and His Hair Transformation
Beberapa pemain sepakbola ternama selain terkenal karena permainan bolanya yang indah dan mengagumkan juga terkenal karena penampilannya yang unik dan menarik. Ada yang unik dilihat dari postur tubuhnya (pendek-tinggi),ada yang ukuran tubuhnya (gemuk-kurus),ada yang dilihat dari asesoris yang menempel di tubuhnya (pakai anting atau tato).Yang paling banyak adalah unik karena dari bentuk rambutnya.David Beckham adalah pemain paling fenomenal dalam urusan rambut ini. Setiap perubahan bentuk rambut Beckham adalah trend setter bagi para remaja sedunia.Namun karena sekarang adalah masanya UEFA Euro 2008 saya ingin membahas satu pemain yang pernah mengalami satu masa transformasi dalam penampilannya. Dia adalah legenda hidup sepakbola Swedia, Henrik Larsson. Pemain bernama lengkap Edward Henrik Larsson ini di masa-masa awal kejayaannya terkenal dengan rambutnya yang gimbal,keriting lebat dipilin-pilin.Mirip potongan rambut Ruud Gullit di masa jayanya.Larsson mempertahankan potongan rambutnya sampai ia memperkuat klub Glasgow Celtic,Skotlandia tahun 1997 -2004. Ditengah karirnya memperkuat Celtic, Larsson yang lahir pada 20 September 1971 di kota Helsingborg, Swedia, merubah potongan rambutnya menjadi plontos alias botak. Kita lihat saja 2 penampilan berbeda dari Henrik Larsson:
Several football players became famous beside because of his beautifully and astonishing ball skill, also because of his appearance that was unique and interesting.There were unique was seen from his posture (short-high),there were the measurement of his body (fat-thin),there were that was seen from accesoris that clung to his body (with earring or tattoo).The most often was unique because of the cut of the hair.David Beckham was the player was most phenomenal in this hair affair. Each Beckham change's hair was trend setter for the teenagers of the world.But because now is the period of UEFA Euro 2008 I wanted to discuss one player who had experienced one transformation period in his appearance.He is the living legend of Swedish football, Henrik Larsson. The player had the full name Edward Henrik Larsson beginning periods of his glorious career was famous with his hair that luxuriant, curly and twisted.Look like the Ruud Gullit's hair in his golden moment. Larsson maintained his hair cut until he played for Glasgow Celtic, Scotland in 1997 -2004. In the middle of his career in Celtic, Larsson that was born on September 20, 1971 in the Helsingborg City, Sweden, changed his hair cut became bald, no hair anymore. Let's see 2 different appearances of Henrik Larsson:
Penampilan luar dari seorang pemain memang cukup efektif untuk menjaga citra dan popularitas seorang pemain. Rambut bergaya gimbal ala Gullit,potongan tomahawk ala Beckham atau model kuncung ala Ronaldo adalah sedikit saja dari sekian banyak contoh rambut unik pemain bola dunia. Kita akan membahas model rambut yang lain di kesempatan lain, dan Henrik Larsson adalah pemain pertama yang saya pilih karena selain dia cukup konsisten dengan model rambutnya (lama gondrong dan lama botaknya) ia juga pemain dengan sikap sportivitas yang tinggi,berkharisma,berpengalaman, disamping sebagai bomber ia sangat haus gol. Setelah sempat memperkuat FC Barcelona selama 2 tahun dan dipinjam Manchester United selama semusim,sekarang Larsson memperkuat klub dari kota kelahirannya, Helsingborg IF.
The outside appearance from a player really quite effective to maintain the image and the popularity of a player.Hair was stylish curly in the style of Gullit, the tomahawk hair cut in the style of Beckham or the crest model in the style of Ronaldo was just a few of the however many examples of unique hair of the football player. We will discuss the other hair model in the other opportunity, and Henrik Larsson is the first player who was chosen by me because he is quite consistent with his hair model (for a long time was long hair and for a long time was bald) however he also the player with the high sportsmanship attitude, charismatic, experienced, and as bomber he was very thirsty for the goal. After played for FC Barcelona for 2 years and could be borrowed Manchester United for one season, now Larsson playing for his home town football club, Helsingborg IF.
Minggu, Juni 08, 2008
Acara Pembukaan Euro 2008 -
The Opening Ceremony of Euro 2008
Piala Eropa 2008 telah dibuka.Mengambil tempat di stadion St.Jakob Park di kota Basel, Switzerland,acara bertanggal 7 Juni ini berlangsung meriah. Walaupun cukup singkat,yakni sekitar 13 menit saja, namun pembukaan ini sarat dengan makna simbolis. Sutradara asal Perancis, Martin Arnaud melukiskan air yang biru,rumput yang hijau,pegunungan Alpen serta tarian wals. Koreografi yang diperagakan oleh 976 penari ini mewakili ciri khas dari dua negara yang menjadi tuan rumah acara besar ini, yakni Austria dan Swiss. Stadion yang dipenuhi sesak oleh penonton sebanyak 42.500 ini sempat hening sejenak ketika beberapa musisi meniup alpenhorn,alat musik tradisional Swiss,sejenis terompet tetapi bentuknya panjang lebih dari satu meter. Musim dingin pegunungan Alpen pun ditampilkan secara menawan,apalagi karena tampil pula di tengah acara Amanda Ammann,Miss Switzerland 2007.Acara diakhiri dengan pelepasan 4.000 balon ke udara.
The European Cup 2008 has opened.Place in the Stadium St.Jakob Park in the Basel city, Switzerland on June 7, the agenda was very happy and merry. Although being short enough, namely approximately 13 minutes, but this opening the draught with the symbolic meaning. The director Martin Arnaud (france) described blue water, green grass, Alpen mountains as well as the waltz dance.The choreography that was exhibited by 976 dancers represented the typical characteristics of two countries that became this big agenda host, namely Austria and Swiss. The stadium that was filled crowded by the spectator totalling 42,500 this could be quiet for a moment when several musicians blew alpenhorn, the traditional Swiss musical instrument, a kind of trumpet but his form was long more than one metre.The cold season Alpen mountains were then put forward in a manner captured, moreover because of appearing also in the middle of the agenda of Amanda Ammann, Miss Switzerland 2007. The agenda was ended with the release 4,000 balloons to the air.
Martin Arnaud, sang sutradara telah beberapa kali menjadi sutradara acara pembukaan event olahraga. Arnaud juga berperan penting dalam pembukaan Piala Dunia 1998.Sedangkan pemilihan Basel sebagai tempat acara pembukaan sangat tepat. Terletak di tengah benua Eropa, Basel adalah kota yang multikultur dengan lebih dari 700.000 warga yang berasal dari lebih 150 negara,mendiami kota ini. Kota ini adalah tempat berdirinya Asosiasi Sepakbola Eropa (UEFA) pada 1954.Adapun stadion St.Jacob Park merupakan kandang klub FC Basel.
Martin Arnaud, the director several times became the director of the opening ceremony event sport.Arnaud also played an important role in the opening of the World Cup 1998.Basel as the place of the opening ceremony was very exact.Was located in the middle of the European continent, Basel is the city that multi-culture with more than 700,000 residents who came from more 150 countries, lived in this city.This city was the place of the Union Europe of Football Association (UEFA) in 1954.Stadium St.Jacob Park is the homebase of FC Basel.
Kamis, Mei 29, 2008
Galatasaray dan Sepakbola Turki -
Galatasaray and the Turkey Football
Tak terasa telah cukup banyak pengunjung blog kita ini yang berasal dari negara Turki. Berbeda dengan kita di Indonesia atau Asia pada umumnya yang mayoritas menggilai sepakbola Eropa,terutama klub-klub dari liga-liga papan atas seperti Ligab seperti Galatasaray,Fenerbache atau Besiktas adalah klub dengan para penggemar paling banyak di Turki. Kebetulan tiga klub itu pula yang memang paling familiar di telinga publik Indonesia. Begitu pula para pemain Turki. Pemain seperti Hakan Sukur, Yildiray Basturk, Altintop bersaudara adalah contoh pemain-pemain asal Turki yang malang melintang di klub-klub tenar Eropa dan sudah sangat dikenal publik Indonesia. Turki pun menempati posisi ketiga pada Piala Dunia 2002 di Korea-Jepang.Karena itu tak salah bila kita memberikan apresiasi kepada persepakbolaan Turki yang telah menempatkan diri dalam peta sepakbola dunia.Liga Super Turki yang diisi 18 klub,musim kompetisi 2007-2008 telah menghasilkan klub Galatasaray sebagai kampiun. Kepastian itu dicapai setelah pada pertandingan terakhir mengalahkan Genç
lerbirliÄŸi OftaÅŸspor 2-0 di Ali Sami Yen Stadium. Berikut profil Galatasaray dan perayaannya sebagai juara Liga Super Turki 2008:
It has been many enough visitors of our blog that came from the country of Turkey.It is different with us in Indonesia or Asia generally that the majority loves European football, especially the clubs from the high level leagues for example the English Premiere League, Serie A Italia, La Liga Spain, Bundesliga Germany, or the Netherlands and France, the Turkey community - because indeed had the league that was active in Europe (UEFA) - most of them more love clubs from their own country.The club for example Galatasaray, Fenerbache or Besiktas was the club with many fans in Turkey. Actually three clubs also that indeed most familiar on the public's Indonesian ears. So also the players Turkey.The football player like Hakan Sukur, Yildiray Basturk, Altintip brothers was the example of players from Turkey that was play in European famous clubs and really has been known to be public of Indonesia.Turkey then occupied the third position to the World Cup 2002 in Korea-Japan. Because of that was not wrong when we gave the appreciation to Turkey soccer that placed itself in the map of world football. The Super League of Turkey that was filled up 18 clubs, the competition season 2007-2008 produced the Galatasaray as the champion.The assurance was achieved when in the last match they beat Gençlerbirliği Oftaşspor 2-0 in the Ali Sami Yen Stadium. Along with the Galatasaray appearance and his celebration as the champion the Super League Turkey 2008:
Tentunya banyak juga pecinta sepakbola Turki yang menggemari klub-klub negara lain,seperti Manchester United atau Real Madrid.Itulah sepakbola.Selalu kecintaan dan kebanggaan pada bola melintasi batas negara,bangsa,bahasa atau agama. Dalam blog ini klub-klub Turki juga telah masuk dalam Situs Klub atau Club Cites yang terletak di sebelah kanan layar. Kita tunggu juga sepak terjang tim nasional Turki yang akan berlaga di Euro 2008 Austria-Swiss.Semoga sepakbola bisa menjadi jembatan hubungan persaudaraan antara bangsa Turki dan bangsa Indonesia.Disamping jalinan dengan seluruh bangsa pada umumnya.Hidup Turki...!
Definitely quite a few lovers of Turkish football that enjoyed the clubs of other countries, like Manchester United or Real Madrid. Always the love and pride to football crossed the country's limit, the nation, the language or the religion. In this blog Turkey clubs also entered the Club Sites that was located on the right of the screen. We were also waiting for the game of the national team of Turkey that will compete in Euro 2008 Austria-Switzerland. It is hoped football could become bridge of friendship relations between the Turkey nation and the Indonesian nation,beside also the friendship of whole the world. Long live Turkey...!
Rabu, Mei 21, 2008
Internazionale Buktikan Kejayaan -
Internazionale Prove the Glory
Internazionale Milan berhasil mempertahankan gelar sebagai juara Serie A Liga Italia musim kompetisi 2007-2008. Ditengah hantaman terhadap kredibilitas pelatih Roberto Mancini,dibuntuti dengan ketat sampai akhir kompetisi oleh AS Roma,serta kegagalan di Liga Champion,Inter berhasil mengatasi cibiran orang bahwa keberhasilan yang mereka raih musim sebelumnya adalah "anugerah" yang mereka dapatkan dari kasus "Calciopoli".Kasus ini berakibat gelar juara Juventus dicabut dan harus turun divisi.Begitu pula pengurangan nilai yang dialami empat tim lain,yakni AC Milan,Fiorentina,Genoa dan Lazio. Inter sendiri kemudian mendapat berkah dari itu semua,yakni dinyatakan sebagai Campione musim 2006-2007.Kita tonton saja pertandingan terakhir Inter yakni melawan tuan rumah AC Parma untuk kemenangan Inter yang memastikan mereka mempertahankan gelar juara.
Internazionale Milan succeeded in maintaining the degree as the champion of Serie A Italia League the competition season 2007-2008.In the middle of the blow towards the credibility of the coach Roberto Mancini, was followed tightly up to the end of the competition by AS Roma, as well as the failure in the Champion League, Inter was successful overcame the underestimating of the public that the success that was gained by them the season beforehand was the "gift" that was obtained by them from the case "Calciopoli".The cases resulted in the degree of Juventus as the champ was pulled out and must descend the division. Also the reduction thought that was experienced by four other teams, namely AC Milan, Fiorentina, Genoa and Lazio.Inter personally afterwards received the blessing from all that, that is stated as Campeone the season 2006-2007.We watched the last Inter match that is opposing the host AC Parma for the Inter victory that confirmed they maintained the degree of the champion.
Yang menarik adalah Inter menjadi tim keempat dengan huruf depan "M" yang menjuarai Liga di kompetisi yang negaranya menjadi barometer sepakbola dunia. Tiga tim sebelumnya adalah Manchester United di Inggris,Bayern Muenchen di Jerman,Real Madrid di Spanyol.Hanya sayang Olympique Marseille di Perancis gagal menghentikan laju Olympique Lyon menjadi juara Liga Perancis untuk ketujuh kalinya.
Tapi ada nestapa bagi satu "M" lagi, yaitu AC Milan. Milan harus bersedia turun gengsi bermain di kompetisi Eropa level UEFA Cup musim depan,sebab hanya sanggup menggapai posisi kelima musim ini.Cukup menjadi kabar duka untuk penggemar Rossoneri.AC Milan juga gagal mengulangi sukses Liverpool musim 2005-2006 yang berhasil menjuarai Liga Champion walaupun di kompetisi lokal hanya menduduki peringkat kelima.
That interesting was Inter to the fourth team with the front letter "M" that won the League in the competition that his country became the barometer of world football.Three teams beforehand were Manchester United in England, Bayern Muenchen in Germany, Real Madrid in Spanyol.Unfortunately Olympique Marseille in France failed to stop the Olympique Lyon rate to the champion the French League for the seven times.
But had the sorrow for one "M" again, that is AC Milan.Milan must be prepared to descend the playing prestige in the European competition the UEFA Cup level the front season, because only could reach the position of five on this seasons.It enough became the sorrow news for the fans of Rossoneri.AC Milan also failed to repeat the Liverpool success the season 2005-2006 that succeeded in winning the Champion League although in the local competition only occupied the fifth level.
Jumat, Mei 09, 2008
Gembiranya Real vs Derita Barca -
The Happiness Real vs The Suffering Barca
Tak adil rasanya bila tidak menyinggung sedikit mengenai keberhasilan klub Spanyol Real Madrid yang baru saja sukses mempertahankan gelar La Liga setelah di pekan ke 36 musim kompetisi 2007/08 mengalahkan seteru abadinya, Barcelona, dengan skor telak 4-1.Pertandingan yang dilaksanakan di kandang Madrid, stadion Santiago Bernabeu ini memang berjalan tidak seimbang, sepertinya diadakan khusus untuk mempermalukan Barca.El Real yang sudah memastikan gelar juara pada pertandingan sebelumnya melawan Osasuna menghadapi Barca yang sudah tidak berpeluang samasekali untuk meraih gelar apapun di musim ini. Setelah "Prince" Raul Gonzales mencetak gol pertama disusul oleh pemain sayap Arjen Robben serta Gonzalo Higuain. Gol terakhir dicetak oleh striker yang lama cedera,Ruud van Nistelrooy melalui titik penalti.Barca sendiri membalas lewat gol Thierry Henry.Kita lihat saja cuplikannya:
It seems unjust when not touching on a little concerning the success of the Spanish club of Real Madrid that just success maintained the La Liga Champion after in the week 36 of competition seasons 2007/08 overcame his eternal enemy, Barcelona, with the unequivocal score 4-1.The match that was carried out in the Madrid home, Santiago Bernabeu Stadium was quite proceeding not balanced, apparently was held especially to be ashamed of Barca.El Real that has confirmed the degree of the champion in the match beforehand against Osasuna, faced Barca that has been did not have completely an opportunity to gain the degree anything in this season.After Prince Raul Gonzales printed the first goal was followed by the wing player Arjen Robben as well as Gonzalo Higuain. The last goal was printed by striker that for a long time has been injured, Ruud van Nistelrooy through the penalty point.Barca personally repaid through the goal of Thierry Henry. Let's watch this important match:
Posting ini penulis khusus persembahkan kepada Sang Pangeran, Raul Gonzales Blanco yang secara mengherankan ditolak oleh pelatih tim nasional Luis Aragonés Suárez untuk memperkuat tim nasional.Raul terancam tidak dapat tampil di Piala Eropa 2008.Keputusan yang sulit diterima karena secara nyata Raul telah membuktikan kepada khalayak mengenai ketajamannya sebagai seorang penyerang. Mencetak 18 gol (sampai dua pertandingan sebelum kompetisi berakhir) dalam sebuah kompetisi seberat La Liga cukup untuk memberikan satu tempat di lini depan dalam timnas Spanyol.Semoga pelatih Luis Aragonés cukup sportif dan mau berbesar hati melihat prestasi pemain bersahaja dan berwajah tampan ini.Yang jelas menghadapi Euro 2008,Spanyol membutuhkan pemain karismatik dan berpengalaman dan itu adalah Raul Gonzales. Maju terus Raul...!
This post is special presented for The Prince,Raul Gonzales Blanco who surprisingly rejected by the Spain national team coach, Luis Aragonés Suárez to joint the national team to face the European Cup 2008.This is a hard to understood decision because of the real action of Raul is fantastic.He has give the proof to the public about his sharp as a striker.Making 18 goals (until two match before end of competition) on heavy competition like La Liga should enough to give one place in the forward line of national team. Hope the coach Luis Aragones sportive enough and receive to see the record of this calm and handsome player.That was clear faced Euro 2008, Spain needed the charismatic and experienced player and that was Raul Gonzales. Keep going Raul...!
Rabu, April 30, 2008
Rally Obor Olimpiade Jakarta 2008 -
The 2008 Jakarta Olympic Torch Relay
Sebenarnya ini bukan olimpiade pertama yang dipenuhi dan dicampuri oleh kasus politik.Nyaris dalam setiap berlangsungnya Olimpiade selalu diwarnai oleh kontroversi dan isu-isu yang sebenarnya tidak secara langsung berhubungan dengan Olimpiade itu sendiri.Begitu pula dengan Olimpiade 2008 yang akan berlangsung di Beijing,RRC pada tanggal 8 sampai 24 Agustus 2008.Olimpiade kali ini diwarnai isu mengenai pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah China terhadap rakyat Tibet.Disamping ada juga yang mencoba mengaitkan Olimpiade ini dengan kasus keterlibatan China di Darfur,Sudan.Akhirnya acara Rally Obor Olimpiade yang berlangsung di seluruh dunia pun diwarnai protes dan unjuk rasa para pendukung Tibet yang mencoba menarik perhatian dari acara besar ini.Begitu pula ketika Obor ini menghampiri Jakarta,Indonesia,pada hari Minggu tanggal 22 April 2008.Meskipun pemerintah Indonesia melalui Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) Adhyaksa Dault sudah mencoba meyakinkan pemerintah China bahwa Indonesia adalah negara yang berbeda daripada negara-negara yang telah dilintasi Obor Olimpade sebelumnya, dan memberikan jaminan keamanan yang cukup besar atas perjalanan Obor ini di Jakarta, tetap tak cukup meyakinkan pemerintah China atas kekhawatiran mereka.Akhirnya terselenggara jugalah Rally Obor ini dalam suasana sangat tertutup.Diadakan di Stadion Utama Senayan,stadion sepakbola terbesar di Asia Tenggara - dan salah satu yang terbesar di Asia - hanya boleh dihadiri oleh para undangan dan wartawan saja.Obor pertama kali dibawa oleh Fauzi Bowo,Gubernur Jakarta,dan dilanjutkan oleh pembawa obor lainnya.Perjalanan obor hanya berlangsung sekitar lingkar luar stadion saja,sementara gerbang sudah ditutup mulai dari gerbang paling luar dari kompleks stadion.Acara sebenarnya berlangsung meriah,walaupun masyarakat luas tidak dapat menyaksikannya.Pembawa obor adalah orang-orang pilihan,diantara juara olimpiade Taufik Hidayat dan atlet basket Denny Sumargo.Tak ketinggalan artis sinetron,si cantik Luna Maya.Tampak pula beberapa mantan atlet nasional dalam acara ini,seperti Syamsul Anwar Harahap, Ellyas Pical dan Chris John dari tinju,dan Perry Pantouw dari judo.Juga ketua KONI Rita Subowo serta Menpora Adhyaksa Dault.Bolasinema sendiri hanya mampu meliput acara yang berlangsung di luar pawai itu sendiri,dan baru dapat memasuki stadion ketika pawai sudah selesai.Seperti yang anda lihat di movie kita ini,masyarakat tertahan di pintu gerbang terluar saja,tak dapat masuk.Dan itu menimbulkan kemacetan yang lumayan panjang di sekitar stadion.Barulah ketika pawai selesai,penonton dapat masuk.
In fact this is not first olympic games were filled and interfered by the politically case.Almost in every time took place Olympic were always influenced by the controversy and actual rumours not directly was connected with the Olympic itself. Also the Olympic 2008 that will take place in Beijing, China 8 until 24 August 2008. This Olympic were this time influenced by rumours concerning the violation of human rights that were carried out by the China government against the community Tibet. Beside there also are those that tried to connect these Olympic with the China case in Darfur, Sudan. Finally the Olympic Torch Relay all over the world then was coloured by the protest and the demonstration of the Tibetan supporters who tried to attract attention from this big agenda.So also when this Torch approached Jakarta, Indonesia, on Sunday on April 22, 2008.Although the Indonesian government through the Youth Affairs and Sport minister Adhyaksa Dault has tried to convince the China government that Indonesia was the country that was different than countries that were crossed the Olympic Torch beforehand, and gave the security guarantee that was enough bear on this Torch trip in Jakarta, continued to be not convincing enough the China government on the concern mereka.Finally also carried out Relay this Torch in the really close atmosphere. Held in the Senayan Main Stadium, the biggest football stadium in South-East Asia, and some that were biggest in Asia, only might be attended by guests and the reporter only.The torch first time being brought by Fauzi Bowo, Jakarta Governor, and was continued by the other torch bearer.The torch trip only took place around the outside circle of the stadium, while the gate has been closed starting from when the gate was most outside from the complex stadium. The in fact took place merry, although the wider community could not watch it.The torch bearer was people of the choice, around the olympic games champion of Taufik Hidayat and the basketball athlete of Denny Sumargo.There's also the film artist, the pretty Luna Maya.Look also several the former national athletes in this agenda, like Syamsul Anwar Harahap, Ellyas Pical and Chris John from the boxing, and Perry Pantouw from judo.Also the chairman of Indonesian National Sport Committee Rita Subowo as well as The Minister of Youth and Sport Adhyaksa Dault.Bolasinema personally only could cover the agenda that took place apart from the procession personally, and just could enter the stadium when the procession already finish.As that you seen you in movie below, the community was kept in the most outside main gate, could not entry.And it caused the moderate impasse long around stadion.When the procession was finished, the spectator could enter.
Tetapi tetap senang saja melihat para atlet dan mantan atlet berkumpul di satu tempat. Ada kegairahan disana.Memang sangat disayangkan Obor Olimpiade yang baru untuk pertamakali ini mampir ke Indonesia dan entah kapan akan datang lagi, tak dapat disaksikan oleh masyarakat luas,dan hanya dapat dinikmati oleh segelintir orang. Memang ada ada juga yang berunjuk rasa di sekitar stadion, tetapi jumlahnya sangat sedikit dan tidak signifikan dibandingkan dengan orang yang sangat antusias menonton peristiwa bersejarah ini.Mudah-mudahan ini kasus terakhir melibatkan peristiwa olahraga dengan peristiwa politik.Olahraga dan politik adalah dua hal berbeda.Hanya olahraga kegiatan di dunia ini yang mampu menyatukan begitu banyak manusia dari berbagai suku bangsa,etnis,agama,warna kulit dan golongan politik. Semoga tayangan singkat yang disajikan Bolasinema tak mengecewakan para pembaca.Tanpa bermaksud mengurangi simpati kepada rakyat Tibet, anggap saja Bolasinema mewakili aspirasi masyarakat kecil yang kecewa tak dapat melihat peristiwa olahraga besar hanya karena terhalang oleh peristiwa lain yang tak hubungannya dengan olahraga. Salam Olahraga!
But it just still happy to see the athletes and the former gathered athlete in one place.There was the passion there.Well it really was regretted the Olympic Torch that was new to the first time this dropped by at Indonesia and don't know when will come again, could not be witnessed by the wider community, and only could enjoyed by a small number of people.Indeed there was many people that is demonstrating around the stadium, but the amount very few and not significant compared with the very enthusiastic person watched the incident being historic ini.We hope this the last case involved the sport incident with the political incident.Sport and politics was two different matters.Only the activity sport in this world that could unite so many humankind from various ethnic groups, etnic, the religion, the colour of skin and the group of politics.It is hoped the short presentation that was presented by Bolasinema did not disappoint the readers.Without meant reduced the sympathy to the Tibetan people, regarded Bolasinema represented the aspirations of the small community that was disappointed to be able to not see the big sport incident only because hindered by the other incident that not his relations with sport. Greetings the sport!
Jumat, April 18, 2008
Para Jagoan Bola melawan Tim Dedemit -
The Soccer Heroes against the Evils Team
Ini postingan berbau iklan saya yang kedua setelah ini.Nike membuat iklan ini dengan memanfaatkan wajah-wajah beken dalam dunia sepakbola.Ada Paolo Maldini,Rui Costa,dan "Sang Fenomena" Ronaldo dan beberapa nama lagi yang para penggila bola pasti mengenalnya.Adegan dimulai dengan keraguan para jagoan kita menghadapi para dedemit yang hendak menguasai dunia.Tapi apakah para bintang kita ini akan tunduk begitu saja? Mari kita tonton saja:
This one is my second post that smell of a advertisement after this.Nike made this advertise with use of the well known faces in the world of football. There are Paolo Maldini, Rui Costa,and "The Phenomenom" Ronaldo and several names again that soccer maniacs in the whole world know them. The scene was begun with the doubt of our heroes faced the Evils that will control the world. But will our stars submit and obey just like that? Let's watched then:
Yap! Ternyata naluri kebintangan mereka berhasil mengalahkan rasa takut dan gentar yang semula menyelimuti.Dengan skill dan teknik tinggi mereka berhasil mengelabui para iblis itu sehingga benar-benar tak berkutik.Dan kemenangan dipastikan oleh ujung tombaknya, Eric "the King" Cantona untuk merobek gawang tim dedemit dengan satu tembakan bombastis.Satu lagi bukti kedigdayaan sepakbola.Yes yes yes!!!
Yup! Evidently the instinct of their starness success in overcoming the fear and trembling that originally fearness. With skill and their high technique succeeded in deceiving the Evils so as really knocked out.And the victory it was confirmed by the striker, Eric "the King" Cantona to tear the Evils's goal with one bombastic shooting.One more the glorious of Football.Yes yes yes!!!